List of Maps
List of Figures
List of Genealogical Charts
Abbreviations, Dates, and Glossary
1. Introduction
2. The Early Ottoman Synthesis: Inheritors of Multiple Traditions
3. The Ottoman Emirate: Consolidating Power, Evolving Strategies
4. Ottoman Interregnum and Revival
5. Becoming an Empire: Tools of State
6. Reaching Imperial Heights: Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Empire
7. Life in the Ottoman Empire
8. An Empire Changing: The Balance of Power at Home and Abroad
9. Late Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Disruptions, Eighteenth-Century Intrusions and Exchanges
10. The “Long” Nineteenth Century: Reform, Change, and the Rise of Nationalism
11. At Empire’s End
12. The Empire at War
13. Epilogue: Ottoman Legacies and Turkey's Ghosts