Part One: Background
1. Introduction and Overview
Purpose of the Manual
2. Fast Track to Beginning Practice
Solution-Focused Interviewing: Description
Tri-Phase Model of the Solution-Building Process
3. Human Development and Models of Psychology
Theoretical Orientations
The Positive Psychology Movement
Part Two: The Tri-Phase Model for Learning Solution-Building Skills
4. The Solution-Focused Approach
SFBT: Description and Background
Post- Traumatic Growth
Development of the Tri-Phase Approach
Evaluating Solution-Focused Training
5. Empathy Phase: Establishing Rapport
Effective Listening Skills: Components and Techniques
Becoming Solution-Focused
Role of Emotions and Negative Feeling
6. Goal Setting Phase: Discovering What’s Wanted
The Key Skill of Solution-Building: Be Patient
Discovering Client Goals
7. Goal Striving Phase: Building a Solution
Five Primary Interventions Questions
End-of-Interview Break and Next-Step Action Plan
Delivery of Feedback and Next-Step Action Plan
Strategies for Weight-Management in a Healthcare Setting
A Note to the Reader
A) SFI Questions: Handy Reference
B) Brief Post-Traumatic Growth Rating Scale
C) Training and Certification Opportunities
D) A Paradigm Shift: My Journey