Introduction. Emerging Critical Issues in Teacher Education within the Context of a Globalizing and Transnational World (Dr. Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Dr. James Scott Johnston)
FOCAL POINT I: Socio-Political, Cultural and Intellectual Spaces in which Teacher Education is Located: A Historical, Sociological, and Philosophical Approach
Chapter 1. Globalization, Higher Education, and Teacher Education: A Sociological Approach (Dr. Roger Dale)
Chapter 2. Theorizing Globalization: Rival Philosophical Schools of Thought (Dr. James Scott Johnston)
Chapter 3. To Serve and yet be Free: Historical Configurations and the Insertions of Faculties of Education in Ontario (Dr. Rosa Bruno Jofré and Josh Cole)
Chapter 4. Cosmopolitanism, Patriotism, and Ecology (Dr. Nel Noddings)
FOCAL POINT II: Paradigmatic Changes in Teacher Education
Chapter 5. From the Sacred Nation to the Unified Globe: Changing Leitmotifs in Teacher Training in the Western World, 1870–2010 (Dr. Anne Rohstock and Dr. Daniel Tröhler)
Chapter 6. Transnationalization of Teacher Education: A New Paradigm for Ontario? (Dr. LeRoy Whitehead)
Chapter 7. Paradigmatic Changes in Teacher Education: The Perils and Pitfalls of the “Reflective Practitioner” (Dr. Tom Russell)
Chapter 8. Ubiquitous Learning and the Future of Teaching (Dr. Nick Burbules)
FOCAL POINT III: Aboriginal Teacher Education in the Globalizing Context
Chapter 9. Autochthonous Ed: Deep, Indigenous, Environmental Learning (Dr. Chris Beeman)
Chapter 10. Exploring Teacher Preparation Programs and Policies in Chilean Universities and their Commitment to Intercultural Insertion (Dr. María Eugenia Merino-Dickinson)
Chapter 11. Indigenous Spaces in Contemporary Learning Institutions: Theoretical and Methodological Frameworks in Approaching Māori Education (Dr. Te Tuhi Robust)
FOCAL POINT IV: The European Setting: Erasmus, Bologna, and the European Higher Education Area
Chapter 12. The European Program Erasmus on Mobility and its Impact on the European Dimension of Higher Education (Dr. Sylviane Toporkoff)
Chapter 13. Harmonizing the Disparate? Bologna’s Implementation in Secondary Teachers’ Education in Germany and Spain: A Contrasting View to Neo-Institutional Theory (Dr. Carlos Martínez Valle)
Chapter 14. Bologna Process and Teacher Education Reforms in Eastern Europe: Exploring the Changing Policy Terrain in Ukraine (Dr. Ben Kutsyuruba)
Chapter 15. Transnationalization of Higher Education Teaching and Learning at European Universities: Rethinking the Way to Wisdom (Dr. Gonzalo Jover and Dr. José Luis González Geraldo)
Chapter 16. Guilded Youth: The Returns of Practical Education (Dr. Andrew Robinson)
FOCAL POINT V: Transnationalization and State Policies
Chapter 17. Teacher Education Policies in Chile: From Invitation to Prescription (Dr. Cristian Cox, Lorena Meckes, and Martín Bascopé)
Chapter 18. Internationalization in Canadian Higher Education: The Ontario Experience (Ken Snowdon)
Conclusion. Reflection on Knowledge for Contemporary Understandings and Future Directions of Teacher Education in a Transnational World: Concluding Comments, Theoretical and Methodological Considerations (Dr. Yvonne Hébert)