Chapter 1. Tuomas Räsänen, ‘Keep it Secret: The Environmental Effects of Nuclear Armament in the Soviet Union and the United States’
Chapter 2. Fred Waage, ‘The Face of the Earth, the Shadow of the Bomb: Nuclear War and the First International Environmental Conference, "Man’s Role in Changing the Face of the Earth," Princeton NJ, 1955’
Chapter 3. Davide Orsini, ‘Experts at Risk: Military Secrets and Italian Radioecology around the U.S. Navy Nuclear Installation of La Maddalena’
Chapter 4. Andrew Ramey, ‘The Calvert Cliffs Campaign, 1967-1971: Protecting the Public’s Right to Knowledge’
Chapter 5. Susanne Bauer, Karena Kalmbach, Tatiana Kasperski, ‘From Pripyat to Paris, from Grassroots Memories to Globalized Knowledge Production: The Politics of Chernobyl Fallout’
Chapter 6. James W. Feldman, ‘Permanence, Justice, and Nuclear Waste at Prairie Island’
Chapter 7. Michael Greenberg, Henry Mayer, Charles Powers and David Kosson, ‘Nuclear Waste Management and Nuclear Power: A Tale of Two Essential United States Department of Energy Sites in Idaho and New Mexico’
Chapter 8. Marissa Zappora Bell and David Eljiah Bell, ‘Port Hope Burning: The Trail of Eldorado, the Uranium Medical Research Centre, and Community Tension over Scientific Uncertainty’
Chapter 9. Paul Jobin, ‘Nuclear « Gypsies » in Fukushima Before and After 3/11’