Preface (Audrey Kobayashi)
1. The Housing and Economic Experiences of Immigrants in Canada and the United States (Wei Li and Carlos Teixeira)
Part One: The Housing Experiences of Immigrants
Introduction to Part One: The Housing Experiences of Immigrants (Carlos Teixeira)
2. Home Ownership among Immigrants in Canada and the United States: Similarities and Differences (Joe T. Darden)
3. Cohort Progress toward Household Formation and Homeownership: A Comparison of Immigrant Racialized Minority Groups in Canada and the United States (Michael Haan and Zhou Yu)
4. How Are Sri Lankan Tamils Doing in Toronto’s Housing Markets? A Comparative Study of the Refugee Claimants and the Family Class Migrants (Sutama Ghosh)
5. A Two-Sided Question: The Negative and Positive Impacts of Gentrification on Portuguese Residents in West-Central Toronto (Robert A. Murdie and Carlos Teixeira)
6. The Good, the Bad and the Suburban: Tracing North American Theoretical Debates about Ethnic Enclaves, Ethnic Suburbs & Housing Preference (Virpal Kataure and Margaret Walton-Roberts)
7. Housing Experiences and Trajectories among Ethnoburban Chinese in Los Angeles: Achieving Chinese Immigrants’ American Dream (Wan Yu)
Part Two: The Economic Experiences of Immigrants
Introduction to Part Two: Economic Experiences of Immigrants in Canada and the United States (John Miron)
8. The Colour of Money Redux: Immigrant/Ethnic Earnings Disparity in Canada 1991–2006 (Krishna Pendakur and Ravi Pendakur)
9. Immigrant Underemployment in the US Urban Labor Markets (Tetiana Lysenko and Qingfang Wang)
10. The Latino Commercial Landscape and Evolving Hispanic Immigrant Population in Two Midwestern Metropolitan Areas (Alex Oberle)
11. Immigrant Entrepreneurship in the Washington Metropolitan Area: Opportunities and Challenges Facing Ethnic Minorities (Elizabeth Chacko and Marie Price)
12. Financing Immigrant Small Businesses in the US and Canada (Wei Li and Lucia Lo)
13. Immigrant Experiences and Integration Trajectories in North American Cities: An Overview and Commentary on Themes and Concepts (John W. Frazier)