Patrick Macklem and Douglas Sanderson, Recognition and Reconciliation in Indigenous-Settler Societies
Part I: Reconciling Sovereignties
1. Patrick Macklem, Indigenous Peoples and the Ethos of Legal Pluralism in Canada
2. Mark D. Walters, “Looking for a knot in the bulrush”: Reflections on Law, Sovereignty and Aboriginal Rights
3. Jeremy Webber, We Are Still in the Age of Encounter: Section 35 and a Canada beyond Sovereignty
4. Brian Slattery, The Generative Structure of Aboriginal Rights
Part II: Contesting Methodologies
5. P.G. McHugh, A Common Law Biography of Section 35
6. Dale Turner, Indigenous Knowledge and the Reconciliation of Section 35(1)
7. Jean Leclair, Military Historiography, Warriors and Soldiers: The Normative Impact of Epistemological Choices
Part III: Constitutional Consultations
8. Dwight Newman, Consultation and Economic Reconciliation
9. Michael J. Bryant, The State of the Crown-Aboriginal Fiduciary Relationship: The Case for an Aboriginal Veto
10. Sari Graben & Abbey Sinclair, Administering Consultation at the National Energy Board: Evaluating Tribunal Authority
Part IV: Recognition and Reconciliation in Action
11. Sébastien Grammond, Isabelle Lantagne, & Natacha Gagné, Non-Status Indigenous Groups in Canadian Courts: Practical and Legal Difficulties in Seeking Recognition
12. Kirsty Gover, Liberal and Tribal Membership Boundaries: Descent, Consent and Section 35
13. Douglas Sanderson, Overlapping Consensus, Legislative Reform and the Indian Act
14. Courtney Jung, Canada and the Legacy of the Indian Residential Schools: Transitional Justice for Indigenous People in a Non-transitional Society
15. Natalia Loukacheva, Nunavut and Self-Reliance: A Quest of an Arctic Entity in Transition
Part V: Comparative Reflections
16. Jacinta Ruru, Constitutional Indigenous Treaty Jurisprudence in Aotearoa New Zealand
17. Megan Davis and Marcia Langton, Constitutional reform in Australia: Recognition of Indigenous Australians and Reconciliation
18. John Borrows, Legislation and Indigenous Self-Determination in Canada and the United States
Michael Ignatieff, A Jurisprudence of Jurisdictions