‘This landmark work of reference is of critical importance not only to Old Norse-Icelandic specialists but to all explorers of the textual hagiographic terrain of the Middle Ages.’
Geraldine Barnes, University of Toronto Quarterly vol 84:03:2015
‘As a work of reference Kirsten Wolf’s meticulous and deeply learned work will not only become indispensable Icelandic hagiography and religious life in Iceland but also, in light of the remarkable cross-fertilizations between types of Old Norse prose, for the students of medieval Icelandic literature in general.’
Haki Antonsson, Speculum January 2016
“My review of this book is an unabashed rave. This reference work will render the topic of Old Norse-Icelandic hagiography much easier to navigate in general, and therefore it represents a major advance over existing scholarship. It is wonderful that absolutely the right scholar for such an exercise has completed it at the exact right moment, and all scholars in the field will benefit from the obvious patient and painstaking labour involved in this task.”
Robin Waugh, Department of English, Wilfrid Laurier University
“Kirsten Wolf’s bibliography of saints’ lives in Old Norse-Icelandic prose is a major contribution to research in an area of medieval studies that has burgeoned in the last few decades. Wolf is one of the leading scholars of Old Norse-Icelandic hagiography, editing, and translation, and this work reflects her intimate and broad knowledge of the field. The bibliography for each saint is exemplary.”
Marianne Kalinke, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Illinois