Introduction: The Rape of the Lock After 300 Years (J. Paul Hunter)
1. Courtliness, Courtship, and Court Cards: Fractals as a Compositional Device in The Rape of the Lock (Pat Rogers)
2. Gallantry and The Rape of the Lock Reconsidered (Louise Curran)
3. Making the Perfect Woman: Female Automata from Pandora to Belinda (Glynis Ridley)
4. “Charms strike the Sight, but Merit wins the Soul”: Female Spirituality and The Rape of the Lock (Katherine M. Quinsey)
5. Catholic Society and Commercial Idolatry in The Rape of the Lock (Nicholas Hudson)
6. “Hairs less in sight”: Pope, Biology, and Culture (Raymond Stephanson)
7. Death and the Object: The Abuse of Things in The Rape of the Lock (Barbara M. Benedict)
8. It Narratives, Thing Theory, and “trivial Things”: Sophie Gee’s The Scandal of the Season and The Rape of the Lock (Kate Scarth)
9. Of Words and Things: Image, Page, Text, and The Rape of the Lock (Allison Muri)
10. From “Trivial Things” to “trivial things”: Pope, Lintot, and The Rape of the Lock (Donald W. Nichol)