1. 1932 Notebook (mid-1930s)
2. Intoxicated with Words: The Colours of Rhetoric (1940s)
3. Review of Books by Rosamond Tuve and Douglas Bush (1953)
4. Neoclassical Agony: On Wyndham Lewis (1957)
5. Review of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago (1958)
6. On T.S. Eliot and Other Observations: From Notebook 13 (1960s)
7. On Finnegans Wake (1961)
8. Notes on the Massey Lectures, Yeats, and Other Topics: From Notebook 9 (1962)
9. Introduction to Fables of Identity (1963)
10. Response to the Macpherson Report (1967)
11. Communication and the Arts: A Humanist Looks at Science and Technology (1969)
12. Preface to The Stubborn Structure: Essays on Criticism and Society (1969)
13. Notes on Romance (1974)
14. Romance as Secular Scripture: Interview and Discussion at the Thomas More Institute, Montreal (1976)
15. Preface to Spiritus Mundi (1976)
16. Victoria College’s Contribution to the Development of Canadian Culture (1977)
17. Seeing, Hearing, Praying, Loving (1985)
18. The Soviet Union and Russia (1989)
19. Notes for The Double Vision: Notebook 51 (1990)
20. Notes on Miscellaneous Subjects
21. The Victoria Chapel Windows