I. Life and Times
1. ‘On Intellectual Life, Politics and Psychoanalysis: A Conversation with Gad Horowitz’ - Colin Campbell (Ontario College of Art and Design University)
2. ‘The Life and Times of Horowitz the Canadianist’ - Nelson Wiseman (University of Toronto)
3. ‘The Odd Couple of Canadian Intellectual History’ - Ed Andrew (University of Toronto)
4. ‘Between Pause and Play: Conveying the Democratic Spirit’ - Jason Rovito (York University)
II. Fragment Theory
5. ‘The Political Culture of English Canada’ - Ian Angus (Simon Fraser University)
6. ‘Canada’s Regional Fragments’ - Nelson Wiseman (University of Toronto)
7. ‘Restoration, Not Renovation: A Fresh Start for Hartz-Horowitz’ - Robert Meynell (Trent University)
III. Spirit and Power
8. ‘Gad Ben Rachel Ve Aharon: Parrhesiastes’ - Shannon Bell (York University)
9. ‘What’s involved in involution? A psycho-poetics of regression: Freud—Horowitz—Celan’ - Michael Marder (University of Basque Country in Campus de Leioa Spain)
10.‘The Sexed Body of the Woman-(M)Other: Irigaray and Marcuse on the Intersection of Gender and Ethical Intersubjectivity’ - Victoria Tahmasebi (University of Toronto)
11. ‘The Spark of Philosophy: Hartz-Horowitz and Theories of Religion’ - Colin Campbell (Ontario College of Art and Design University)
IV. Political Philosophy
12. ‘Transcendental Liberalism and the Politics of Representation: Possessive Individualism Revisited’ - Sean Saraka (University of Ottawa)
13.‘From the Narcissism of Small Differences to the Vertigo of Endless Possibilities: Gad Among the Levinasians’ - Oona Eisenstadt (Pomona College, California)
14.‘Adorno and Emptiness’ - Asher Horowitz (York University)
15.‘horowitz dances with wolves: inquiries pursuant to the thought of gad horowitz’ - peter kulchyski (University of Manitoba)
V. Horowitz in His Own Words
Gad Horowitz, ‘Emmanuel, Robert’
Gad Horowitz, ‘Bringing Bataille to Justice’
Gad Horowitz, ‘An Essay on the Altruism of Nature’
VI. Bibliography