- The Forgetting Subjects and the Subjects Forgotten
- The Silencing Continues: "Speaking For" Japanese Canadian Subjects of the Internment
- Method, Memory, and the Subjects of the Internment
- Cartographies of Violence: Creating Carceral Spaces and Expelling Japanese Canadians from the Nation
- Gendering the Subject(s) of the Internment: The B.C. Interior Cases
- Economies of the Carceral: The "Self-Support" Camps, Sugar Beet Farms, and Domestic Work
- The Known and Unknown: Communities Lost, Communities Remembered
- "It's Part of My Inheritance": Handing Down Memory of the Internment
- "Crushing the White Wall with Our Names": Re-Membering the Internment in White Spaces
Conclusion: Re-Membering the Subject(s) of the "Internment"