Publications of Emmet Robbins
Public Poetry: Alcman, Stesichorus, Simonides, Pindar, Bacchylides
The Education of Achilles
Achilles to Thetis:
Iliad 1.365–412
Alcman’s Partheneion: Legend and Choral Ceremony
‘Every Time I Look at You . . .’: Sappho Thirty-One
Who’s Dying in Sappho
Fr. 94?
Sappho Fr. 94: A Further Note
Sappho, Aphrodite, and the Muses
Heracles, the Hyperboreans, and the Hind: Pindar, Ol. 3
Intimations of Immortality: Pindar
Ol. 3.34–9
The Broken Wall, The Burning Roof and Tower: Pindar, Ol. 8.31–46
The Gifts of the Gods: Pindar’s Third Pythian
Jason and
Cheiron: The Myth of Pindar’s Fourth Pythian
Cyrene and Cheiron: The Myth of Pindar’s Ninth Pythian
Pindar’s Oresteia and the
Nereids with Golden Distaffs: Pindar, Nem. 5
The Divine Twins in Early Greek Poetry
Famous Orpheus
To Be Redeemed from Fire by Fire: the Deaths of
Heracles and Siegfried