Not Another Edition
1. ""Our Rightful Place"": Continentalism, Imperialism, or Nationalism
Discussion Points
1. William Norris, ""Canadian Nationality: A Present-day Plea,""
The Canadian Monthly and National Review, February 1880.
2. Hon. Mr. Longley, Speech,
Debates and Proceedings of the House of Assembly of the Province of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, May 8, 1886.
3. George M. Grant,
On Imperial Federation, 1889.
4. Goldwin Smith,
Canada and the Canadian Question, 1891.
5. Jules-Paul Tardivel, ""Changing Perspectives,""
La Vé
rité, March 18, 1893.
6. Henri Bourassa, ""The French Canadian in the British Empire,""
The Monthly Review, October 1902.
2. ""The Insane Exuberance of Generosity"": Anti-Potlatch Legislation
Discussion Points
1. Cornelius Bryant, ""Sir,"" January 29, 1884.
2. ""The Evil Potlatch,"" Toronto
Empire, 1893.
3. Wise-As-You, Simh-Sam, and Naas-Quah-So, ""Petition of Rights,"" February 26, 1896.
4. Kwakiutle Chief, 1896.
5. Maquinna Chief of Nootka, ""To the editor,""
Victoria Daily Colonist, April 1, 1896.
6. Dr. Franz Boas, ""To the editor,"" Victoria
Province, 1897.
7. Rev. J.B. McCullagh, ""The Indian Potlatch,""
The Caledonian Interchange, September 1900.
3. ""Two Distinct Personalities"": The Question of Riel's Sanity
Discussion Points
1. Judge Richardson, Charge to the Jury, 1885.
2. Francois Roy, Testimony.
3. Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, Address of Defense Counsel.
4. Mr. Robinson, Address of Crown Counsel.
5. Louis Riel, Statement.
6. Dr. Francois-Xavier Valade, ""Report on the Sanity of Louis Riel.""
7. Dr. Michael Lavell, ""Report.""
8. Alexander Campbell, Minister of Justice, ""Memorandum Respecting the Case of the Queen v. Riel,"" November 25, 1885.
9. Dr. Daniel Clark, Medical Superintendent of the Asylum for Insane, Toronto, ""A Psycho-Medical History of Louis Riel,""
Journal of Insanity, July 1887.
4. ""Unceasing Conflict and Unrelenting Determination"": Unions and Industrialization
Discussion Points
1. Goldwin Smith, ""The Labour Movement,"" Canadian Monthly, December, 1872.
Royal Commission on the Relations of Labor and Capital in Canada, 1889.
3. Jean Scott,
The Conditions of Female Labour in Ontario, 1889.
4. ""There is a Reason for it,""
Industrial Banner, February 1897.
La Presse, December 6, 1902.
6. A. Siegfried,
The Race Question in Canada, 1906.
7. ""The Glace Bay Strike,""
Canadian Mining Journal, August 1, 1909.
8. E. Bradwin,
The Bunkhouse Man: A Study of Work and Play in the Camps of Canada 1903-1914.
9. ""The Winnipeg Strike,""
The Gazette, May 22, 1919.
Western Labour News, May 28, 1919.
5. ""The Unfriendly Reception"": Immigration
Discussion Points
1. W.A. Cum Yow, Testimony before the
Royal Commission on Chinese and Japanese Immigration, 1903.
2. ""Chinamen,""
Saturday Night, September 1906.
3. ""Western Blacks,""
Saturday Night, April 1911.
4. Dr. Sundar Singh in Empire Club of Canada,
Addresses Delivered to the Members during the Session of 1911-12.
5. W. Scott, ""The Immigration by Races,"" 1914.
6. Maria Adamowska, ""Beginnings in Canada.""
6. ""The Smell of the Good Green Earth"": Rural vs. Urban Life
Discussion Points
1. E.B. Mitchell,
In Western Canada Before the War, 1915.
2. Nellie McClung,
In Times Like These, 1915.
3. Rupert Brooke,
Letters from America, 1916.
4. Mary Joplin Clarke, ""Report of the Standing Committee on Neighbourhood Work,""
Canadian Conference of Charities and Correction, September 23-5 1917.
5. William Irvine,
Farmers in Politics, 1920.
6. Maude Newcombe, ""The Farm Woman's Lot,""
Grain Growers' Guide, April 15, 1925.
7. Mrs. R.C. Phillips, ""A Farm Woman's Reply,""
Grain Growers' Guide, May 27, 1925.
7. ""Perfect Justice and Harmony"": Votes for Women
Discussion Points
1. Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture, ""Womanhood Suffrage,"" Speech, Ontario Legislature, May 10, 1893.
2. James L. Hughes,
Equal Suffrage, 1910.
3. H. Bate, ""Are Women to Blame?,""
Grain Growers' Guide, March 1, 1911.
4. Henri Bourassa, ""Women's Suffrage, Its Effectiveness, Its Legitimacy,""
Le Devoir, 24 April 1913.
5. Nellie McClung,
In Times Like These, 1915.
6. Stephen Leacock, ""The Woman Question,"" in
Essays and Literary Studies, 1916.
7. H.D.P., ""The Failure of the Suffrage Movement to Bring Freedom to Women,""
Woman Worker, December 1928.
8. ""What is Our Duty?"": Military Service in World War I
Discussion Points
1. G. Starr, 123rd Battalion Recruiting Leaflet.
2. Peter McArthur, ""Country Recruits,""
Globe, January 30, 1915.
Saturday Night, August 1915.
4. Talbot M. Papineau, ""An Open Letter from Capt. Talbot Papineau to Mr. Henri Bourassa,"" March 21, 1916.
5. Henri Bourassa, ""Mr. Bourassa's Reply to Capt. Talbot Papineau's Letter,"" August 2, 1916.
6. ""No More Canadians For Overseas Service. This Young Dominion Has Sacrificed Enough"",
Sault Express, June 23, 1916.
7. Robert Borden,
Debates, House of Commons, 1917.
8. Francis Marion Beynon, ""Women's View of Conscription,""
The Grain Growers' Guide, May 30, 1917.
9. Joseph Ainey, ""Canadian Labour and Conscription,""
Le Devoir, July 5, 1917.
10. Rev. S.D. Chown, ""An Open Letter on the Duty of the Hour,""
Christian Guardian, Dec 12, 1917.
9. ""National Art"": The Group of Seven
Discussion Points
1. Percy Moore Turner, ""Painting in Canada,""
Canadian Forum, December 1922.
2. ""Canadian Art,""
Saturday Night, May 1924.
3. ""Canada and her Paint Slingers,""
Saturday Night, November 8, 1924.
4. ""Freak Pictures at Wembley,""
Saturday Night, December 13, 1924.
5. Hector Charlesworth, ""The Group System in Art,""
Saturday Night, June 24, 1925.
6. ""The Group of Seven,""
Canadian Forum, February 1927.
7. ""The Group of Seven,""
Canadian Forum, June 1930.
10. ""This Is My Last Chance"": Depression and Despair
Discussion Points
1. Thomas M. Gibbs, Sarnia, Ontario, December 1, 1930.
2. A Nanaimoite, February 22.
3. R.D., Ottawa, March 4, 1932.
4. Mrs. Ernest Ferguson, Ferguson, N.B., March 21, 1933.
5. Brief Presented by the Unemployed of Edmonton to the Hon. R.B. Bennett, December 30, 1933.
6. To Canadian Government, December 1934.
7. P.R. Mulligan, Debden, Saskatchewan, March 3, 1934.
8. Miss Elizabeth McCrae, Hamilton, Ontario, April 6, 1934.
9. L.M. Himmer, Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, September 9, 1935.
10. Dorothy Franklin, Brechin, Ontario, February 28, 1935.
11. Mrs. Otto Brelgen, Dempster, Saskatchewan, April 15, 1935.
12. Bruce Bass, Whiteway, N.B., October 7, 1935.
13. A Mother.
14. Experiences of a Depression Hobo.
11. ""The Question of Loyalty"": Japanese Canadians and World War II
Discussion Points
1. ""The Situation in 1940,""
Report and Recommendations of the Special Committee on Orientals in British Columbia. December 1940.
2. A.W. Neill, House of Commons, Debates,
February 19, 1942.
3. Muriel Kitagawa,
This is My Own: Letters to Wes and Other Writings on Japanese Canadians 1941-1948.
i. December 21, 1941.
ii. January 21, 1942.
iii. February 19, 1942.
iv. March 2, 1942.
v. April 20, 1942.
vi. We'll Fight for Home, 1942.
vii. On Loyalty, 1942.
viii. Mr. and Mrs. Kitagawa to Custodian of Japanese Properties, Vancouver, B.C., July 1943.
ix. F.G. Shears, Department of the Secretary of State, Office of the Custodian, Japanese Evacuation Section, Vancouver, B.C., to Mr. and Mrs. Kitagawa, July 2, 1943.
x. T.M. Kitagawa to Mr. F.G. Shears, July 8, 1943.
4. W.L. Mackenzie King, House of Commons,
Debates, August 4, 1944.
12. ""Cinderella of the Empire"": Newfoundland and Confederation
Discussion Points
Newfoundland National Convention Debates, 1946-1948.
1. Joseph Smallwood.
2. Major P.J. Cashin.
3. F. Gordon Bradley.
4. G.F. Higgins.
5. G. Macdonald.
6. H. Harrington.
7. I. Keough.
8. J. Roberts.
13. ""A Glow of Fulfilled Femininity"": Women in the 1950s and 1960s
Discussion Points
1. Beverly Gray, ""Housewives A