List of Illustrations
Part One: Leeks
1. Like a Leek: Transplant Figures in Natural History, the Leek Family, and the Porrophagus of Henry V
2. As Green as Leeks: Vegetable Blazons, Leaky Eyes, and the Transplant Poetics of Arcimboldo and Shakespeare
Part Two: Laurels
3. In Pursuit of Laurels: Description, Ovid’s Plant-Blazons, and Les Mains of Daphne
4. In Praise of Daphnes: Philodendrism, Two Elizabethan Laurels, and “that well timber’d body”
Part Three: Tulips
5. Tulips (I): Counting Infinite Kinds, Nature’s Face-Paintings, and Two Tulip Miniatures
6. Tulips (II): Tracking Two Turban Errors, Bellicose Flowers, and Three Talkative Tulips
Part Four: Potatoes
7. The Real Potatoes of Peru: Gerard’s Signature Plant, Mixed Roots, and the Golden Potatoes of The Merry Wives of Windsor
Epilogue: Gerard’s “Fatal Crime”: Barnacle Geese, the Most Marvellous of All Vegetables