Introduction: Beowulf in and near Children’s Literature
Britt Mize
1. “A Little Shared Homer for England and the North”: The First Beowulf for Young Readers
Mark Bradshaw Busbee
2. The Adaptational Character of the Earliest Beowulf for English Children: E.L. Hervey’s “The Fight with the Ogre”
Renée Ward
3. Visualizing Femininity in Children’s and Illustrated Versions of Beowulf
Bruce Gilchrist
4. Tolkien, Beowulf, and Faërie: Adaptations for Readers Aged “Six to Sixty”
Amber Dunai
5. Treatments of Beowulf as a Source in Mid-Twentieth-Century Children’s Literature
Carl Edlund Anderson
6. What We See in the Grendel Cave: Focalization in Beowulf for Children
Janet Schrunk Ericksen
7. Beowulf, Bèi’àowǔfǔ, and the Social Hero
Britt Mize
8. The Monsters and the Animals: Theriocentric Beowulfs
Robert Stanton
9. Children’s Beowulfs for the New Tolkien Generation
Yvette Kisor
10. The Practice of Adapting Beowulf for Younger Readers: A Conversation with Rebecca Barnhouse and James Rumford
Britt Mize
11. Children’s Versions of Beowulf: A Bibliography
Bruce Gilchrist