Alyssa Panitch, Purdue University
David Hummels, Purdue University
1. Introduction: Making the Case for Gender Inclusion and Women’s Career Equality at Work
Ellen Ernst Kossek, Purdue University and Kyung-Hee Lee, Purdue University
Part I: Fostering Positive Work for Women
2. Creating Gender Inclusive Climates and Conversations
What the Research Tells Us: The Role of Inclusive Climates in Closing the Gender Gap
Lisa Nishii, Cornell University
View from Practice: The Power in “Staying vs. Leaving” Conversations to Create an Inclusive Workplace at Accenture
Nellie Borrero, Accenture
Integrating Research and Practice: Gender Inclusive Climates
Charlice Hurst, University of Notre Dame
Managerial and Organizational Actions for Creating Inclusive Climates
Ellen Ernst Kossek, Purdue University and Kyung-Hee Lee, Purdue University
3. Mentoring and Other Strategies for Advancing Women’s Careers
What the Research Tells Us: Glass Ceiling Chisels
Belle Rose Ragins, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
View from Practice: Advancing Women at IBM
Rosalia Thomas, IBM
Integrating Research and Practice: Mentoring
Patrice Buzzanell, University of South Florida
Managerial and Organizational Actions for Mentoring and Advancing Women
Ellen Ernst Kossek, Purdue University and Kyung-Hee Lee, Purdue University
Part II: Gender Inclusion in Industry and Organizational Contexts
4. How to Leverage Diverse Teams
What the Research Tells Us: Claiming the Unexpected Value of Diversity
Denise Lewin Loyd, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
View from Practice: Engaging Teams for Business Success at PWC
Anne Donovan, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Integrating Research and Practice: Diverse Teams
Beth Livingston, University of Iowa
Managerial and Organizational Actions for Creating Inclusive Teams
Ellen Ernst Kossek, Purdue University and Kyung-Hee Lee, Purdue University
5. Learning from STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Contexts
What the Research Tells Us: That None Shall Perish
Kelly Mack, Association of American Colleges & Universities, Chris Sahley, Purdue University, and Orlando Taylor, Fielding Graduate University
View from Practice: Learning from Successful Women in the STEM Field
Mariana Monteiro, FCM, LLC
Integrating Research and Practice: STEM Contexts
Diana Bilimoria, Case Western Reserve University
Managerial and Organizational Actions to Transform STEM Contexts
Ellen Ernst Kossek, Purdue University and Kyung-Hee Lee, Purdue University
6. Learning from Entrepreneurial Settings
What the Research Tells Us: The Glass Ceiling of Entrepreneurship and How Women Are Breaking Free
Kim Eddleston, Northeastern University
View from Practice: Emerging Organizational Culture and Inclusion
Nina Swanson, Walmart
Integrating Research and Practice: Entrepreneurial Settings
Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Purdue University
Managerial and Organizational Actions to Create Inclusive Entrepreneurial Settings
Ellen Ernst Kossek, Purdue University and Kyung-Hee Lee, Purdue University
7. Epilogue: A Beginning Blueprint for Organizations and Researchers to Advance Gender Inclusion and Equality (with Caveats)
Ellen Ernst Kossek, Purdue University and Kyung-Hee Lee, Purdue University