Part One: Method
1. Urban Sexscapes: A Snapshop of China’s Commercial Sex Industries
Part Two: "Tempting Girls" and Clients in Low-End and Mid-Tier Niche Markets
2. Finding Hope as a "Tempting Girl" in China: Sex Work, Indentured Mobility, and Cosmopolitan Individualism
3. Disappointed and Despondent: How Young-Adult Male Migrants Contest Masculinity in China’s Low-End and Mid-Tier Niche Markets
Part Three: Intimacy and Masculinity in High-End Niche Markets
4. Reframing Love with a "Dirty Girl": High-End Sex Work and Intimate Relations in Urban China
5. Reciprocating Desires: The Pursuit of Desirable East Asian Femininity in China’s Commercial Sex Industry
Part Four: Social Policy Implications and Criminal Justice
6. Selling Commercial Sex as Edgework
7. Profit-Making Disguised as Rehabilitation: The Biopolitics of the Homo Sacer in China’s Custody Education Program for Sex Workers
Conclusion: Understanding the New Trends in China's Commercial Sex Industry