List of Maps
List of Tables
Note on the Text
Part I. The Western Theatre: The Struggle for Northwestern Eurasia
1. Laying the Foundations, 1650–1775
The Geopolitical Setting
Hesitant Integration
Trade, Religion, and Law
2. Full Integration, 1775–1815
Territorial and Administrative Integration
Religion and Economy
The Baltic Provinces
3. Unitary State or Empire? 1815–1855
Civil Administration and the Army
Society, Law, and Trade
On the Road to Disintegration
Conclusion to Part I: The Western Theatre
Part II. The Southern Theatre Reaches the Sea
4. Laying the Foundations, 1650–1725
The Geopolitical Setting
The Cossacks
Society, Religion, and Trade
5. Toward Full Integration, 1725–1796
Civil and Military Administration
Ecclesiastical and Legal Integration
The Ethnographic Map
6. Unitary State or Empire? 1796–1855
Regional Integration
Fiscal and Commercial Integration
The First Cracks
Conclusion to Part II: The Southern Theatre
Part III. The Eastern Theatre: The Advance toward the Mountains
Introduction to Part III: The Eastern Theatre
7. Laying the Foundations, 1650–1730
The Geopolitical Setting
The Expanding Russian Core
Agents of Integration
8. The Progress of Integration, 1731–1782
The Military Structure
Land, Peoples, Religions
Fiscal and Commercial Integration
9. Unitary State or Empire? 1782–1830
The Administrative Infrastructure
Judicial Integration
Economic Integration
Conclusion to Part III: The Eastern Theatre