List of abbreviations and acronyms
List of tables, figures and boxes
Executive summary
1 Introduction
1.1 Geography and sociodemography
1.2 Economic context
1.3 Political context
1.4 Health status
2 Organization and governance
2.1 Historical background
2.2 Organization
2.3 Decentralization and centralization
2.4 Planning
2.5 Intersectorality
2.6 Health information systems
2.7 Regulation
2.8 Person-centred care
3 Financing
3.1 Health expenditure
3.2 Sources of revenue and financial flows
3.3 Overview of the statutory financing system
3.4 Out-of-pocket payments
3.5 Private health insurance
3.6 Social insurance
3.7 Other
3.8 Payment mechanisms
4 Physical and human resources
4.1 Physical resources
4.2 Human resources
5 Provision of services
5.1 Public health
5.2 Patient pathways
5.3 Primary care
5.4 Specialized care
5.5 Urgent and emergency care
5.6 Pharmaceutical care
5.7 Rehabilitation/intermediate care
5.8 Long-term care
5.9 Services for informal carers
5.10 Palliative care
5.11 Mental health care
5.12 Dental care
5.13 Health services for Indigenous peoples
6 Principal health reforms
6.1 Analysis of recent reforms
6.2 Future developments
7 Assessment of the health system
7.1 Health system governance
7.2 Accessibility
7.3 Financial protection
7.4 Health care quality
7.5 Health system outcomes
7.6 Health system efficiency
8 Conclusions
9 Appendices
9.1 References
9.2 Useful websites
9.3 HiT methodology and production process
9.4 The review process
9.5 About the authors