1. Beyond Suburban Stereotypes: Urban Peripheries in the 21st Century
Fulong Wu and Roger Keil
2. The Power of the Image: Integrating Research and Teaching via Experiential Education
Ute Lehrer
3. The New Urban Peripheries, 1990-2014: Selected Findings from a Global Sample of Cities
Solly Angel, with contributions by Yang Liu, Alex M. Blei, Patrick Lamson-Hall, Nicolás Galarza Sanchez, and Sara Arango-Franco
4. Regional Urbanisation Processes in Contemporary Italy: Beyond the City, from the Country of One Hundred Cities
Alessandro Balducci, Valeria Fedeli, and Camilla Perrone
5. Extended Urbanization, Urban Utopias, and Other Economies
Roberto Luís Monte-Mór and Rodrigo Castriota
6. A Dose of Density: The Urban Counter-Revolution
Richard Harris
Land, Infrastructure, Governance
7. Cities in a World of Villages: Agrarian Urbanism and the Making of India’s Urbanizing Frontiers
Shubhra Gururani
8. The ‘Publicness’ of Suburban Infrastructure Planning: Cases from Toronto and Melbourne
Crystal Legacy
9. Suburban Infrastructures: Benevolent Public Domain and Instruments of Control and Power
Pierre Filion
10. Intertwined Modalities of Suburban Governance in China
Fulong Wu
11. Governing Cities in a Post-suburban Era: New Challenges for Planning?
Pierre Hamel
After Suburbia – The Path Ahead
12. An Atlas of Suburbanisms
Markus Moos
13. Decolonizing Suburban Research
Rob Shields
14. Seeing through the Darkness of Future Past: ‘After-Suburbia’ from a Historical Perspective
Ilja Van Damme and Stijn Oosterlynk
15. The After-Lives of “Suburbs:” Methodological and Conceptual Innovations in Urban Studies
Jennifer Robinson
16. Africa’s Suburban Constellations
Robin Bloch, Alan Mabin, and Alison Todes
17. Outside the Outside: Alienation, Fidelity and New Sub-Urbanizations
Matt Hern
18. (Sub)Urban Vibrations: The Suburbanisation of Sex Shops and Sex Toys in Australia
Paul Maginn and Christine Steinmetz
19. Manhattan in Orange County: Lippo and the Shenzhen of Indonesia
Abidin Kusno
20. Transnationalism and Southern Suburbanization: Accounting for Translocalities in Manila’s Peri-Urban Fringe
Arnisson Andre C. Ortega
21. After Suburbia: Peripheral Notes on Urban Theory
Roger Keil
List and Legend of Images