Part One: Imperatives
1 Making Anthropology Cool: Translating Anthropological Research and Concepts Using Multimedia
Kristina Baines and Victoria Costa
2 Getting Knowledge from the Ivory Tower to the Street: Making Anthropology Matter
Agustín Fuentes
3 The Urgency of Now: Crafting and Editing Anthropological Knowledge in Real Time
Maria D. Vesperi
Part Two: The World Wide Web
4 Cool Enough to Make a Difference
Daniel H. Lende
5 PopAnth: The Conversation
Erin B. Taylor, John McCreery, and Gwendolen Lynch
6 SAPIENS: An Origins Story
Chip Colwell and Leslie Aiello
Part Three: Reimaging Public Spaces
7 Visualizing Immigrant Phoenix: An Urban Visual Ethnographic Collaborative
Kristin Koptiuch
8 The Tale Is the Map: Virtual Reality Experiences in Anthropology
Scott Wilson
9 Creating Inclusive Public Space: Participatory Design Ethnography in a University Library
Krista Harper
10 Extravagance Outside of Anthropology: How to Sell Analytic Induction to Entrepreneurs
James Mullooly
Part Four: Creatives
11 Rez-Colored Glasses: Disentangling Indigenous Lives from the Colonial Gaze
Gregg Deal and Kerry Hawk Lessard
12 Sonic Anthropology: From Remixing Archives to Reimagining Cultures
Tom Miller
13 Engaging a Wider Audience with Fiction Film
Carylanna Taylor
14 Let Us Do More than Hope: Comics, Complexity and an Anthropology in Pictures and Words
Sally Campbell Galman