Roberta Frank Biography, 1970-2003
Part I - On Words
1. Early Medieval Chaos, Christopher A. Jones
2. Composing and Joining: How the Anglo-Saxons Talked About Compounding, Don Chapman
3. Cennan, 'to Cause to be Born'/'To Cause to Know':Incarnation as Revelation on Old English Literature, Pauline Head
4. Pride, Courage, and Anger: The Polysemousness of Old English Mod, Vicki Low
Part II - On Latin and Old English Prose
5. Desipere in loco: Style, Memory, and the Teachable Moment, Carin Ruff
6. Courtroom Drama and the Homiletic monologues of The Vercelli Book, Dorothy Haines
Part III - On Old English Poetry
7. Him þæs Grim lean Becom: The theme of Infertility in Genesis A, Karin Olsen
8. Odd Characters: Runes in Old English Poetry, Robert DiNapoli
9. Articulate Contact in Juliana, Antonina Harbus
Part IV - On Beowulf
10. The Education of Beowulf and the Affair of the Leisure Class, Haruko Momma
11. Beowulf's Dark Thoughts: Beowulf in a Wisdom Context, Ruth Wehlau
Part V - On Old Norse Literature
12. The Refracted Beam: Einarr Skulason's Liturgical Theology, Martin Chase
13. Beardless Wonders: Gaman vas Soxu: The Sex was Great, Oren Falk
14. Prophetic Dreams and Visions in the Sagas of the Early Icelandic Saints, Bernadine McCreesch
15. Claiming Kin Skaldic-Style, Russell Poole