Introduction: Reverberations from the Past
Megan Swift
Part I: Material and Mnemonic Aftereffects
1. The Silent Jubilee, the Blank Space: Spatial and Commemorative Practice around the 1917 Centenary
Megan Swift
2. Gentrification, Post-Tourism, and Trauma: Uses of the 1917 Revolution’s Memory Places in 2017 Russia
Maria Silina
3. Revolutionary Architecture in Putin’s Russia: The Avant-Garde as a Disputed Heritage
Julie Deschepper
Part II: Social and Environmental Aftereffects
4. The Stalled Soviet Gender Revolution: Normalized Crisis in Russia
Jennifer Utrata
5. “Etnos-thinking” in 1917 and Today
David G. Anderson
6. Building the National Park System after 1917: Environmental and Political Empowerment in Territorial Constructs
Michael W. Tripp
Part III: Artistic and Conceptual Aftereffects
7. The Hero and the Revolution in the Works of Boris Akunin and Akunin-Chkhartishvili
Elena Baraban
8. Screening the Revolution: Transformations of the Revolutionary Narrative in Russian Film since the 1960s
Mark Lipovetsky