William Robins
1. The Tale of Gulfardo and Ambruogia (Decameron VIII.1)
K.P. Clarke
2. Obscene Exchanges (Decameron VIII.2)
Maggie Fritz-Morkin
3. The Artist and the Police: Calandrino’s Invisibility and the Legal Fictions of Decameron VIII.3
Justin Steinberg
4. Monna Piccarda, Ciutazza, and the Provost of Fiesole: An Absence of Beauty (Decameron VIII.4)
Katherine A. Brown
5. The Jokesters and the Judge (Decameron VIII.5)
William Robins and Leah Faibisoff
6. The Tale of Calandrino and the Stolen Pig (Decameron VIII.6)
Rhiannon Daniels
7. The Scholar and the Widow: Corrupt Appetite and Moral Failure in Society’s Intellectual Elite (Decameron VIII.7)
Teodolinda Barolini
8. Doing Unto Others, or Sienese Polyamory (Decameron VIII.8)
Olivia Holmes
9. The Three Faults of Master Simone (Decameron VIII.9)
Elisa Brilli
10. The Tale of Salabaetto and Iancofiore (Decameron VIII.10)
Roberta Morosini