Introduction to Day Nine: Emilia’s Rule of Freedom
Susanna Barsella, Fordham University and Simone Marchesi, Princeton University
Love and Death in Pistoia: Decameron IX.1 between Poetry and History
David Lummus, University of Notre Dame
The Priest’s Breeches: Decameron IX.2
Maria Pia Ellero, Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Empty Womb and Full Bellies in Decameron IX.3
Federica Anichini, New York University in Florence
The Tale of the Two Cecco’s: Decameron IX.4
Patrizio Ceccagnoli, University of Kansas
Art, Nature, and Reality in Boccaccio’s Giotto: Decameron IX.5
Marcello Ciccuto, University of Pisa
The Tale of Pinuccio and Niccolosa: Decameron IX.6
Simona Lorenzini, Yale University
The Tale of Margherita, a Self-Willed Wife: Decameron IX.7
Grace Delmolino, University of California-Davis
A Metaphor Unveiled? Wine, Wrath, and the Bible in Decameron IX.8
Johnny L. Bertolio, University of Toronto
Solomon and Emilia, or the King and I: Decameron IX.9
Albert Russel Ascoli, University of California, Berkeley
Natura contra naturam: Sins Against Nature in Decameron IX.10
Max Matukhin, Princeton University