Introduction: Controversies in the Common Law—Innovative Solutions and Future Challenges at the Supreme Court of Canada
Vanessa Gruben, Graham Mayeda and Owen Rees
1. Reflecting on the Legacy of Chief Justice Mclachlin
Lady Brenda Hale, Baroness of Richmond, President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
2. Justice Beverley McLachlin and Tort Law: The Good, the Bad, and the Puzzling
Bruce Feldthusen
3. Evaluating Chief Justice McLachlin’s Decisions on “Residual Policy Considerations” in Negligence
Erika Chamberlain
4. Controversey Resolved: Chief Justice Mclachlin, Personal Autonomy, & Unjust Enrichment
Mitchell McInnes
5. Selective Deference and the Judicial Role: Chief Justice McLachlin’s Legacy for Law and Legal Education
David Sandomierski
6. Combatting Stereotyping & Facilitating Justice: McLachlin’s Vision for the Law of Evidence
David M. Tanovich
7. The Continuity of Private and Public Law Reasoning in Chief Justice McLachlin’s Criminal Law Judgments
Graham Mayeda
8. Less is More: Chief Justice McLachlin and Criminal Law Minimalism
Matthew R. Gourlay
9. Controversies in the Common Law of Judicial Review: Tracing the Contributions of Chief Justice McLachlin
Adam Goldenberg
10. The McLachlin Court and the Concept of Open Justice
Eszter Bodnar