List of Illustrations
1. Introduction
Angela Vanhaelen and Bronwen Wilson
Part One: Material Flows
2. The Early Modern Fold: Pleated Media in Japan’s Encounter with Europe
Kristopher Kersey
3. From Textile to Text: Cloth, Slavery, and the Archive in the Dutch Atlantic
Carrie Anderson
4. Drawing Worlds in Smoke, Powder, and Fumes: Bodies and Trifles in Il Tabacco, the Courtly Ballet Staged in Turin (1650)
Elisa Antonietta Daniele
5. From Hot Reverence to Cold Sweat: Christian Art and Ambivalence in Early Modern Japan
Benjamin Schmidt
6. Eggs, Cheese, and (Francis) Bacon
Helen Smith
Part Two: In-Between Spaces
7. The Cabinet and the World: Non-European Objects in Early Modern European Collections
Daniela Bleichmar
8. Le Jeu du monde: Games, Maps, and World Conquest in Early Modern France
Ting Chang
9. The World Contained in an Imperial Ottoman Album
Emine Fetvaci
10. World Building, the Folger Folios, and the University of British Columbia
Patricia Badir
Part Three: Other Worlds
11. Ascetic Ecology: Landscape of a Desert Saint
Lyle Massey
12. The End of All: Worldliness, Piety, and the Social Life of Maps in the Post-Reformation English Household
Gavin Hollis
13. Enlightenment Cosmology: A Medialogical Interpretation
J.B. Shank
14. Masked Alliances: Global Politics and Economy in the Art and Performance Rituals of Mexico’s Indigenous People
John M.D. Pohl and Danny Zborover
15. Unease with the Exotic: Ambiguous Responses to Chinese Material Culture in the Dutch Republic
Thijs Weststeijn