Dilip Soman, Saugato Datta and Jiaying Zhao
Part 1: Why Behavioral Science Matters for Inclusive Societies
1. A Comparison of Cash Transfer Programs in the Global North and South
Ryan Dwyer, Kaitlyn Stewart, and Jiaying Zhao
2. Innovate, Adapt, and Scale: The Future of Behavioral Science in Cash Transfer Programs
Saugato Datta, Faraz Haqqi, Mukta Joshi, and Catherine MacLeod
3. Reaching the Hardest to Reach with Cash Transfer and Disbursement Programs
Kyle Jacques, Marin MacLeod, Sydney Piggott, and Kevin Yin
4. Behavioral Insights Can Help Improve Cash Transfer Programs
Daniella Turetski and Renos Vakis
5. What Do We Know about Basic Income – And How Can Experiments Help?
Evelyn L. Forget
Part 2: Behavioral Science in Design and Delivery
6. The Effect of Design Features on the Effectiveness of Cash Transfer Programs: A Behavioral Perspective
Daniella Turetski, Xiao (Mimosa) Zhao, Oceana Ding, Waleed Hussain, Sherry Ning, and Dilip Soman
7. Don’t Waste Recipients’ Time: How to Save and Give Time in Cash Transfer Programs
Colin West and Ashley Whillans
8. A Behavioral Perspective on the Decision to Seek Formal and Informal Financial Help
Ania Jaroszewicz
9. Cash to US Families at Scale: Behavioral Insights on Implementation from the Baby’s First Years Study
Lisa A. Gennetian, Sarah Halpern-Meekin, Lauren Meyer, Nathan A. Fox, Katherine Magnuson, Kimberly G. Noble, and Hirokazu Yoshikawa
10. Improving the Effectiveness of Cash Transfer Programs in Kenya
John Gachigi
Part 3: Conclusions
11. Cash Transfer Programs – Looking Back, Looking Forward
Saugato Datta, Jiaying Zhao, and Dilip Soman