Dr. Brian Goldman
Introduction: I Can’t. I’m Too Broken
Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth
Part I: In the Community
1. Casualty
Lynda Hurley
2. Pandemic, Alone
Leora Eisen
3. Present Tense
Tania J. Spencer
4. A Community Divided
5. BC: Breaking Cancer
Dr. Jaigris Hodson
6. Learning to Count
Eleanor Ramphal
7. The Spring
Dr. David Keegan
Part II: At the Margins
8. Long-Term Care or Long-Term Crime?
Dr. Vivian Stamatopoulos
9. Go Home
Kimiko Shibata
10. Ableism
Kenzie McCurdy
11. Still Here
Reverend Canon Maggie Helwig
12. The Pandemic Changed Nothing (For Worse and Better)
Meagan Gillmore
13. Wild Teens: Youth Mental Health and the Pandemic
Dr. Gail Beck
14. The Pandemic Ends … Then What?
Annie Lin
Part III: The Crumbling Base
15. Resilience Is a Dirty Word
Debra Lefebvre
16. Men Write the Policies, Women Face the Results
Dr. Michelle Cohen
17. #InThisTogether Is Only a Hashtag
Maggie Kerastaci
18. Invisible
Sarah Kaplan
19. The Levee Has Broken
Kim English
Part IV: No Simple Fixes
20. “We’re all in this together”: COVID-19 and Principles of Environmental Justice
Dr. Jane E. McArthur
21. This Ain’t No Flu
Dr. Steve Flindall
22. The Doctor as Advocate
Dr. Joe Vipond
23. Disability Rights and Advocacy
Dr. Christopher Leighton
24. “Truth”
Dr. Imogen Coe
25. I Work in a Hospital. You Are an Internet Troll. We Are Not the Same
Dr. Genevieve Eastabrook
26. How to Be Wrong: Reflections on the (Non)Evolution of Applied Medical Science during Epidemics
Dr. David Fisman
Postscript: Roll Up Your Sleeves
Sue Robins