List of Map and Illustrations
Luis I. Prádanos
Introduction: Historicizing the Ecocrisis: Beyond-Human Experiences in Spanish Natureculture
Maryanne L. Leone and Shanna Lino
Part One: Tracing Environmental Culture in Spain
1. Lope’s Los guanches de Tenerife y conquista de Gran Canaria: An Ecolonialist Reading
Bonnie L. Gasior
2. Birdsong and the Earth’s Polyrhythm: The Life of a Caged Blue Rock Thrush in Early Modern Spain
John Beusterien
3. Water Grabbing and the Dammed Esla: The Enchanted Waters of Jorge de Montemayor and the Riaño Reservoir
Margaret Marek
4. Of Witches and Land Reform in Enlightenment Spain
Daniel Frost
5. Plant, Animal, and Human Consciousness in Julio Llamazares’s Luna de lobos
Olga Colbert
Part Two: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene
6. Leonardo Torres Quevedo’s Automata and the Consolidation of Technological Regenerationism
Óscar Iván Useche
7. The Specter of Capitalism: Reading the Anthropocene in Vicente Blasco Ibáñez’s Cañas y barro
Michael L. Martínez, Jr.
8. Jesús Carrasco’s Intemperie: The Literature of Post-Immunological Modernity
William Viestenz
9. Transhumanism and Necropolitics in Rosa Montero’s Times of Hatred
Juan Carlos Martín Galván
10. The Salvage Poetics of Ben Clark’s Basura
Micah McKay
Part Three: Disruptive Agentic Paradigms
11. Ecofeminist Materialism and Entanglements of Care in Sara Mesa’s Un incendio invisible
Maryanne L. Leone
12. Trans-Corporeal Matter Narratives in Hierro
Ma Luz González-Rodríguez and Ma Concepción Brito-Vera
13. ¡El toro no entiende de toreo!: Taurine Naturecultures, Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s Antitaurine Essays, and the Emergence of Posthumanist Views of Animals in Spain
Daniel Ares-López
14. Ecohorror as Critique of Anthropogenic (Self-)Destruction in Sánchez Piñol’s Cold Skin
Shanna Lino
Part Four: Medium as Activism Igniter
15. Monstrous Humanity: An Ecopostcolonial Reading of Laura Gallego García’s Trilogy Guardianes de la Ciudadela
Victoria L. Ketz
16. La cuenta atrás: An Ecodystopian Graphic Novel on Spain’s Greatest Ecological Disaster
Carla Almanza-Gálvez
17. Drawing Ecological Thought: Anthropomorphism and Satire as Critique of Capitalism in the Twenty-First-Century Spanish Comic
Christine M. Martínez
List of Contributors