List of Illustrations
1. Lasting Crusade: The Russian All-Military Union (ROVS) in the World of Exile
The Puzzle: Organisations and Structures
The White Idea: ROVS Ideology
Counter-Revolution from Abroad: Defencism and Defeatism
2. Swastikas Rising: Émigrés and Nazi Germany
Russian Aryans: “Aryanization” and Foreign Passports
Seeking Hostilities: ROVS in Preparation for War
3. A Dawn of Liberation Is Rising over Russia: Russian Military Exile and the German-Soviet War, 1941–1945
Behind Bars: Arrests of Émigrés in Belgium and France
Into the Vortex of Illusion: Émigré Assessments of the German-Soviet War, 1941–1943
Swan Song: 1943–1945
4. A Troubled Cooperation: Russian Émigrés and the German Bans
Unerwünscht: German Policy on the Use of Émigrés
Kriegsentscheidend: The Wehrmacht’s Need for Émigrés
5. Forbidden but Still Marching On: Recruitment of Émigré Volunteers and Forms of Involvement
Czech Protectorate
The General Government
Contract Work and Civil and Military Engineering
Émigrés as Soldiers from 1942 On
6. Homecoming: Personal Outlooks on the War in the USSR
Not Just Interpreters: The Role of White Émigrés as Mediators and Collaborators
“All of Russia Is a Graveyard”: Émigrés’ Assessment of the Soviet Union
Them: The Red Army, Partisans, and Soviet POWs
7. “Collecting the Shards”: Perspectives on Life under Occupation
The Russian Soul: Soviet Peasants and Other Civilians
Through Their Eyes: Soviet Citizens Meet the Émigrés
Back to the Roots: “Soviet” White Guards and Their Relatives
“God Is With Us”: The Church and Religion
Off Duty: Private Time and Leisure Activities
Mourning the Fallen: Death on the German-Soviet Front
Farewell, Motherland: Reflections by White Émigrés on Their Second Exile
8. Darker Shades of Field Grey: Émigrés and Nazi Occupation Policy
The Jewish Question: Antisemitism and White Russian Émigrés
Shock, Awe, Compromise: War Crimes and Excesses
Saviours in German Uniforms: White Émigrés’ Actions to Defend the Oppressed
9. The Long Defeat: Russian Military Exile after 1945
Bolshevik Roulette: The White Émigrés and the End of War in Europe
Verbal Masquerade: ROVS Self-Presentation after 1945