In Diary of an Uncertain Psychic, artist-anthropologist Deena I.J. Newman explores the life and lessons of Elizabeth, a California psychic and radio talk show host. Through vivid graphic narrative, this detailed account tells a story about images through images.
In Western culture, the phenomenon of spontaneous inner imagery is often considered unusual or abnormal. These images may be interpreted differently across different cultures – as spiritual messages, omens, sources of scientific or literary inspiration, symptoms of mental illness, or simply nonsensical productions of the mind. Newman expands this thinking by suggesting that many people experience spontaneous visual, auditory, and kinesthetic imagery outside of sleep and investigates this imagery as a potential key to understanding psychic processes.
By visualizing these images on the page, this book invites readers to delve deeper into the complexities of inner imagery – both within psychics and within themselves. Newman carefully illustrates the film-like inner images commonly experienced yet frequently overlooked, revealing the uncertainty involved in translating between images and words. By analysing Elizabeth’s and her own experiences, Newman underscores the challenges inherent in this translation process.