List of Illustrations
List of Genealogies
List of Maps
Note on the Drawings of Jean-Paul Laurens
Part I: From Merovech to Clovis
1. Origins of the Merovingian Kingdom (Book II )
Part II: The Kingdom of the Franks, a. 511-575
2. From the Death of Clovis to the Death of Chlothar I, a. 511-561 (Books III-IV)
3. From the Division of Chlothar's Kingdom to the Death of Sigibert I, a. 561-575 (Book IV)
Part III: The Reign of Childebert II, a. 576-591
4. Succession of Childebert II and the Demise of Royal Cousins, a. 576-580 (Book V)
5. From the Treaty of Nogent to the Death of Chilperic, a. 581-Fall 584 (Book VI)
6. Aftermath of Chilperic's Death and the Revolt of Gundovald, Fall 584-Spring 585 (Book VII)
7. Aftermath of Gundovald's Revolt, Summer 585-587 (Book VIII)
8. Revolt in Austrasia and the Fall of Egidius, August 587-591 (Books IX-X)
Epilogue and Postscripts
Appendix: The Merovingian Bishop
Index of Persons