For over one hundred years, The Champlain Society has echoed the voices of some of Canada’s most eloquent citizens. Since the early 1600s, explorers, merchants, public servants, scientists, ordinary people, and extraordinary men and women have left riveting accounts of their actions and thoughts. Through its books and Digital Collection, The Champlain Society makes the adventures, explorations, discoveries, and opinions that have shaped Canada available to all who have an interest in its past. The Champlain Society is also scholarly: its books have been the object of meticulous treatment by specialists whose role has been to highlight the significance of the eyewitness accounts and to inform readers of the context in which these documents were drafted.
Since acquiring The Champlain Society last fall, the UTP Journals staff has been hard at work preparing and tweaking their recently launched, brand-new website. We are very pleased to say that the site is live! You can find it here:
The new site features easy navigation, enhanced usability, links to social media, a calendar of historical events across Canada, and a photo section that includes a changing motif of influential Canadians from the past. The site provides all the information you need about the Champlain Society: accountabilities, services like purchasing or renewing a membership, making a donation and keeping up with society news.
Love Canadian history or know someone who does? Share the URL! For information on how you can become a member of The Champlain Society, visit the membership page.
Stay tuned for an exciting announcement about the relaunch of The Champlain Society’s Digital Collection!