Here’s a round up of some UTP highlights for the month of August.
Jennifer DiDomenico attended the Academy of Management meeting in Orlando, FL, August 9–13, 2013.
Douglas Hildebrand and Mat Buntin attended the American Sociological Association meeting in New York, August 10–13, 2013.
American Association of School Librarians and the Collection Development and Evaluation Section of the Reference and User Services Association rated Donna Naughton’s The Natural History of Canadian Mammals as an Outstanding Title for 2013.
Vanessa Oliver was on CBC’s Metro Morning on August 13, 2013 discussing her book Healing Home: Health and Homelessness in the Life Stories of Young Women. She also spoke to Jason Turnbull on CBC Sudbury’s Points North about the book. That evening, Vanessa had a lively onstage conversation with Salena Gagnon at Ben McNally Books.
UTP author George Elliot Clarke launched his new poetry collection, Illicit Sonnets, at the Gladstone Hotel on August 21, 2013.
New Releases for August:
John Fawcett’s Ginger Snaps by Ernest Mathijs
‘A Justifiable Obsession’ by P.E. Bryden
The Thaw edited by Denis Kozlov and Eleonory Gilburd
Cities of Oil by Timothy Cobban
Pascal the Philosopher by Graeme Hunter
New Soviet Gypsies by Brigid O’Keeffe
Who is an Indian? edited by Maximilian C. Forte
The English Boccaccio by Guyda Armstrong
Lorenzo di Filippo Strozzi and Niccolo Machiavelli by William J. Landon
Memoirs and Reflections by Roy McMurtry