Here is a recap of what went on at UTP in the month of April.
We had a busy month with conferences, especially our acquisitions editor Doug Hildebrand who attended 3 conferences in 4 weeks!
- Doug Hildebrand and Stephen Shapiro represented UTP at the Association of American Geographers meeting in Boston from April 5th-9th.
- The Medieval Academy of America conference was in Toronto this year (right down the street from our downtown office, in fact) and Suzanne Rancourt and Natalie Fingerhut displayed our medieval titles there from April 6th-8th.
- Doug Hildebrand was at the Urban Affairs Association meeting from April 19th-22nd in Minneapolis.
- And finally, Doug also attended the American Education Research Association meeting in San Antonio from April 27th-May 1st, where we were happy to debut the brand new paperback edition of The Slow Professor: Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy.
April was also a great month for awards! Congratulations to all of our recipients.
- Maureen Matthews’ book Naamiwan’s Drum: The Story of a Contested Repatriation of Anishinaabe Artefacts was the winner of the Alexander Kennedy Isbister Award for Non-Fiction awarded by the Manitoba Book Awards.
- Emily Grabham’s book Brewing Legal Times: Things, Form, and the Enactment of Law was the winner of the Socio-Legal Theory and History Prize awarded by The Socio-Legal Studies Association.
- Arielle Saiber’s book Measured Words: Computation and Writing in Renaissance Italy won the Newberry Library Weiss-Brown Publication Subvention Award.
- Margaret E. Boyle ‘s book Unruly Women: Performance, Penitence, and Punishment in Early Modern Spain won the AHCT Vern Williamsen Comedia Book Prize.
- John Borrows’ book Freedom and Indigenous Constitutionalism was shortlisted for the Donald Smiley Prize awarded by the Canadian Political Science Association, as was Robert Schertzer’s book The Judicial Role in a Diverse Federation: Lessons from the Supreme Court of Canada.
- George O. Liber’s book Total Wards and the Making of Modern Ukraine, 1914-1954 was an honourable mention in the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies Book Prize.
In the Media:
- The Slow Professor: Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy by Maggie Berg and Barbara Seeber was reviewed in the Los Angeles Review of Books. Emma Rees used Berg and Seeber’s book as the cornerstone of a lengthy opinion piece in Times Higher Education. The book was also reviewed by Tory Media.
- Adam Stirling interviewed Vivian Smith, author of Outsiders Still: Why Women Journalists Love – and Leave – Their Newspaper Careers, on CFAX1070 Radio.
- Blacklocks Reporter reviewed The Unfulfilled Promise of Press Freedom in Canada edited by Lisa Taylor and Cara-Marie O’Hagan.
- Robert Denham, an editor on The Collected Works of Northrop Frye series, was reviewed in Project Muse.
- Rob Vipond was interviewed by U of T News and, also, Metro News about his book Making a Global City: How one Toronto School Embraced Diversity.
- Atlantic Books Today reviewed Karen R. Foster’s Productivity and Prosperity: A Historical Sociology of Productivist Thought.
- Rob Vipond was interviewed about his book Making a Global City: How one Toronto School Embraced Diversity by Steve Paikin on TVOntario’s The Agenda.
- TVOntario’s website featured excerpts from The Right Relationship: Reimagining the Implementation of Historical Treaties by John Borrows and Michael Coyle
- TVOntario also featured an excerpt from Making a Global City: How one Toronto School Embraced Diversity by Rob Vipond
- The Times Literary Supplement reviewed The First World Oil War BY Timothy Winegard.
New Releases:
- The Lives of Girls and Women from the Islamic World in Early Modern British Literature and Culture by Bernadette Andrea
- The Necessity of Music: Variations on a German Theme by Celia Applegate
- The Centennial Cure: Commemoration, Identity, and Cultural Capital in Nova Scotia during Canada’s 1967 Centennial Celebrations by Meaghan Elizabeth Beaton
- A Reformation Sourcebook: Documents from an Age of Debate edited by Michael W. Bruening
- A Croce Reader: Aesthetics, Philosophy, History, and Literary Criticism edited and translated by Massimo Verdicchio
- Something’s Got to Give: Balancing Work, Childcare and Eldercare by Linda Duxbury and Christopher Higgins
- Annotations on Galatians and Ephesians by Desiderius Erasmus, edited by Riemer A. Faber
- Anthropology Matters, Third Edition by Shirley A. Fedorak
- Erasmus and Calvin on the Foolishness of God: Reason and Emotion in the Christian Philosophy by Kirk Essary
- Succeeding Together?: Schools, Child Welfare, and Uncertain Public Responsibility for Abused or Neglected Children by Kelly Gallagher-Mackay
- Classroom Action: Human Rights, Critical Activism, and Community-Based Education edited by Ajay Heble
- Moors Dressed as Moors: Clothing, Social Distinction and Ethnicity in Early Modern Iberia by Javier Irigoyen-García
- The Birth of Homeopathy out of the Spirit of Romanticism by Alice A. Kuzniar
- The Unmaking of Home in Contemporary Art by Claudette Lauzon
- Newspaper City: Toronto’s Street Surfaces and the Liberal Press, 1860-1935 by Phillip Gordon Mackintosh
- An Exceptional Law: Section 98 and the Emergency State, 1919-1936 by Dennis G. Molinaro
- Security Aid: Canada and the Development Regime of Security by Jeffrey Monaghan
- Strengths-Based Child Protection: Firm, Fair, and Friendly by Carolyn Oliver
- The Many Rooms of this House: Diversity in Toronto’s Places of Worship Since 1840 by Roberto Perin
- The Technoscientific Witness of Rape: Contentious Histories of Law, Feminism, and Forensic Science by Andrea Quinlan
- Canada’s Odyssey: A Country Based on Incomplete Conquests by Peter H. Russell
- Posthumanism: Anthropological Insights by Alan Smart and Josephine Smart
- Indigenous Women’s Writing and the Cultural Study of Law by Cheryl Suzack
- England in Europe: English Royal Women and Literary Patronage, C.1000–C.1150 by Elizabeth Muir Tyler