Highlights from the months of June and July.
- Johannes Remy’s Brothers or Enemies was awarded the Ivan Franko International Prize of 2018.
- French Écocritique by Stephanie Posthumus is on the shortlist for the Alanna Bondar Memorial Book Prize.
- Daniel Quinlan represented UTP at the Law and Society Association’s annual conference in Toronto.
- Anne Brackenbury and Jodi Lewchuk presented our sociology list at the World Congress of Sociology in Toronto.
Media Highlights:
- A launch for Steven High’s One Job Town took place in Sturgeon Falls on June 9.
- The North Bay Nugget ran an excerpt from High’s book.
- Northern Ontario Business interviewed High about his research for One Job Town.
- The Saskatoon Express ran a cover story on how Valerie Korinek’s research for Prairie Fairies was inspired by a message from a colleague on a post-it note.
- Global TV News Saskatoon ran a profile of Korinek and Prairie Fairies.
- Toronto’s Albany Club hosted a launch for From Wall Street To Bay Street by Christopher Kobrak and Joe Martin.
- The Globe and Mail interviewed Rick Nason about his book It’s Not Complicated.
- The Globe and Mail interviewed Luciara Nardon about Working in a Multicultural World.
- Prairie Fairies by Valerie J. Korinek landed on Chronicle of Higher Education’s Weekly Book List for the week of July 6.
- Gentrifier by John Joe Schlichtman, Jason Patch, and Marc Lamont Hill was featured in a piece on the tone deaf marketing of gentrifying neighbourhoods in The Philadelphia Inquirer.
- Christopher Alcantara talked about his latest book A Quiet Evolution with Western News.
- “Miscarriages of Justice In Canada is a darkly compelling book not because it is sensational, but because it is so matter of fact,” writes Holly Doan, in a review for Blacklocks Reporter.
New Releases:
- Cultures of the Fragment: Uses of the Iberian Manuscript, 1100-1600 by Heather Bamford.
- Queering Urban Justice: Queer of Colour Formations in Toronto edited by Jin Haritaworn, Ghaida Moussa, and Syrus Marcus Ware, with Río Rodríguez.
- Preaching Apocrypha in Anglo-Saxon England by Brandon W. Hawk.
- New Brunswick before the Equal Opportunity Program: History through a Social Work Lens by Laurel Lewey, Louis J. Richard, and Linda M. Turner.
- Writing by Ear: Clarice Lispector and the Aural Novel by Marilia Librandi.
- Erasmus and His Books by Egbertus Van Gulik | Translated by J.C. Grayson and edited by James K. McConica and Johannes Trapman.
- Regulating Professions: The Emergence of Professional Self-Regulation in Four Canadian Provinces by Tracey L. Adams.
- Geometry of the Passions: Fear, Hope, Happiness: Philosophy and Political Use by Remo Bodei | Translated by Gianpiero W. Doebler.
- Aristotle’s Science of Matter and Motion by Christopher Byrne.
- Machiavelli and the Politics of Democratic Innovation by Christopher Holman.
- Iberianism and Crisis: Spain and Portugal at the Turn of the Twentieth Century by Robert Patrick Newcomb.