Indigenous Studies

Archaeology of the Atlantic Northeast in the Classroom

Archaeology of the Atlantic Northeast in the Classroom

In this post, authors Matthew W. Betts and M. Gabriel Hrynick discuss why they wrote The Archaeology of the Atlantic Northeast and how explain the book can be utilized in the classroom.

Mother’s Day: An Excerpt from “Collective Care”

Mother’s Day: An Excerpt from “Collective Care”

In honour of Mother’s Day, we’re sharing an excerpt from Collective Care: Indigenous Motherhood, Family, and HIV/AIDS. This engaging ethnography explores how Indigenous women and their communities practice collective care to sustain traditional lifeways in the face of Saskatchewan’s HIV epidemic.

“Seen but Not Seen”

“Seen but Not Seen”

Donald B. Smith is one of Canada’s most renowned historians, having written extensively on Aboriginal Canada, Quebec, and the history of Calgary and Southern Alberta. Donald discusses what we can expect from his final book, which covers fresh ground in the history of settler-Indigenous relations.


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