Q&A Interview with UTP Author John Borrows
This National Indigenous History Month, we asked John Borrows a few questions about his latest release with UTP, Voicing Identity,… READ MORE
June 21, 2023
This National Indigenous History Month, we asked John Borrows a few questions about his latest release with UTP, Voicing Identity,… READ MORE
June 21, 2023
Legislating under the Charter explores how governments and Parliament justify limitations on rights when advancing laws that raise rights concerns or… READ MORE
May 4, 2023
Elizabeth Goodyear-Grant and Erin Tolley talk us through their new book, Women, Power, and Political Representation, and discuss why it is such a pressing topic with the Canadian federal election just around the corner.
September 15, 2021
Canadians will head to the polls on September 20th, in what will be the shortest election campaign ever. The authors of Absent Mandate write on the blog about what we can expect from the upcoming campaign.
August 19, 2021
Brendan Boyd and Andrea Olive tell us about their new book, Provincial Policy Laboratories, and explain why it should be a must-read for scholars, students, and policymakers interested in Canadian public policy.
June 29, 2021
Michael Lee details the main instigators behind the global financial crises we’ve seen in the last two hundred years and looks at what lessons we can learn from them.
April 7, 2021
Climate change was once understood as solely an environmental issue. Now a growing class of activists claim climate change to be a gender, equity, labour, Indigenous rights, faith, and health issue. Jen Iris Allan, author of The New Climate Activism explores these issues in more detail.
February 10, 2021
Heather Whiteside brings us up-to-date with the political economy in the Canadian context, and discusses what we can expect from her edited book, Canadian Political Economy
January 29, 2021
We’re highlighting a few of the newest texts available for courses in Introduction to Political Science and Canadian Politics, as well as mentioning a few forthcoming titles that are dropping later this spring.
January 21, 2021
Tamara A. Small and Harold J. Jansen discuss their love of digital politics and examine some of the changes that have taken place in Canadian politics over the last twenty years.
November 2, 2020