Tag: Books

Behind the Book with Bruce Newman

Bruce Newman talks about his fantastic new UTP title: The Marketing Revolution in Politics: What Recent U.S. Presidential Campaigns Can Teach Us About Effective Marketing

Behind the Book with David Fraser

David Fraser gives an insight into the production of his UTP title: Honorary Protestants: The Jewish School Question in Montreal, 1867-1997

Behind the Book with Raymond Stephanson and Darren N. Wagner

Raymond Stephanson and Darren N. Wagner discuss their interdisciplinary examination of the many aspects of reproduction in the eighteenth century – The Secrets of Generation: Reproduction in the Long Eighteenth Century

Behind the Book with Bob Maunder and Jon Hunter

Bob Maunder and Jon Hunter, in their book Love, Fear, and Health: How Our Attachments to Others Shape Health and Health Care, discuss how attachment – the ways in which people seek security in their close relationships – can transform patient outcomes.

Behind the Book with Pauline A. Phipps

Pauline A. Phipps talks about her recent UTP title, Constance Maynard’s Passions: Religion, Sexuality, and an English Educational Pioneer, 1849-1935

Behind the Book with Matthew Evenden

UTP author Matthew Evenden takes part in our Behind the Book Series where he provides an insight into the making of his most recent title: Allied Power: Mobilizing Hydro-electricity during Canada’s Second World War

Behind the Book with Elio Costa and Gabriele Scardellato

This biography of a famous Italian-Canadian alpinist and trail builder was produced as a collaborative effort by two authors whose research interests differed considerably – Elio Costa and Gabriele Scardellato

Charles Taylor Wins Kluge Prize

Yesterday, The Library of Congress announced that philosophers Charles Taylor and Jürgen Habermas will share this year’s Kluge Prize. Want to know more about Taylor’s work? UTP has you covered.

Behind the Book with Greig Henderson

Henderson analyses how the rhetoric of storytelling often carries as much argumentative weight within a judgement as the logic of legal distinctions


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