Classics / Literature
Showing results 1-16 of 56
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The ‘Satyrica’ of Petronius
Petronii Arbitri ‘Satyrica’ Quae Supersunt
ISBN: 9781487550714
Pub Date: March 2025
This book presents a formal critical edition and English translation of the Satyrica of Petronius.
Clever Little Books
Martial’s Epigrams and Sexual Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
ISBN: 9781487558338
Pub Date: November 2024
Clever Little Books explores the role of Latin commentaries on the Roman poet Martial as a medium for the transmission of sexual knowledge among a male elite in early modern Europe.
Localism in Hellenistic Greece
ISBN: 9781487548315
Pub Date: January 2024
Localism in Hellenistic Greece explores, in exemplary fashion, how ancient societies positioned themselves in a swiftly expanding world.
Vergil and Elegy
ISBN: 9781487547950
Pub Date: April 2023
This collection explores Vergil’s engagement with the genre of elegy across various themes, linguistic traditions, and historical periods.
Latin Poets and Italian Gods
ISBN: 9781487526139
Pub Date: August 2020
Latin Poets and Italian Gods reconstructs the response of Roman poets in the late republic and Augustan age to the rural cults of central Italy.
Walking through Elysium
Vergil’s Underworld and the Poetics of Tradition
ISBN: 9781487505776
Pub Date: April 2020
Walking through Elysium traces Vergil’s influence on literary representations of underworlds, souls, afterlives, prophecies, journeys, and spaces, from sacred and profane to wild and civilized.
Celebrity, Fame, and Infamy in the Hellenistic World
ISBN: 9781487505226
Pub Date: April 2020
This book traces the roots of modern notions of celebrity, fame, and infamy back to the Hellenistic period of classical antiquity, when sensational personages like Cleopatra of Egypt and Alexander the Great became famous world-wide.
Maternal Conceptions in Classical Literature and Philosophy
ISBN: 9781487532017
Pub Date: February 2020
This book explores motherhood in Greek and Roman literature, focusing on images of mothers and their relationships with their children across a variety of genres.
Fides in Flavian Literature
ISBN: 9781487505530
Pub Date: September 2019
This book investigates the presence of Fides ("good faith") in Flavian literature, exploring its ideological significance in the aftermath of Rome’s civil wars (68–69 CE) in a variety of works by prose and verse authors.
Novel Cleopatras
Romance Historiography and the Dido Tradition in English Fiction, 1688–1785
ISBN: 9781442647145
Pub Date: April 2019
Advocating a revised history of the eighteenth-century novel, Novel Cleopatras showcases the novel’s origins in ancient mythology, its relation to epic narrative, and its connection to neoclassical print culture.
Aristotle's Science of Matter and Motion
ISBN: 9781487503963
Pub Date: July 2018
Although Aristotle’s contribution to biology has long been recognized, there are many philosophers and historians of science who still hold that he was the great delayer of natural science, calling him the man who held up the Scientific Revolution by two thousand years.
Collected Works of Erasmus
Prolegomena to the Adages
ISBN: 9781442648777
Pub Date: August 2017
The essay that begins this introductory volume to the Adages explores the development of the Collectanea and its transformation into the Adagiorum chiliades.
Biblical Epics in Late Antiquity and Anglo-Saxon England
Divina in Laude Voluntas
ISBN: 9780802098535
Pub Date: June 2017
Biblical Epics in Late Antiquity and Anglo-Saxon England provides an accessible introduction to biblical epic poetry.
Latinity and Identity in Anglo-Saxon Literature
ISBN: 9781442637580
Pub Date: August 2016
In this groundbreaking collection, ten leading scholars explore the intersections between identity and Latin language and literature in Anglo-Saxon England.
Roman Literary Cultures
Domestic Politics, Revolutionary Poetics, Civic Spectacle
ISBN: 9781442629677
Pub Date: May 2016
Drawing on the historicizing turn in Latin literary scholarship, Roman Literary Cultures combines new critical methods with traditional analysis across four hundred years of Latin literature.
Collected Works of Erasmus
Paraphrase on Luke 1–10, Volume 47
ISBN: 9781442648852
Pub Date: March 2016
Paraphrase on Luke 1–10 contains the first half of Erasmus’s Paraphrase on Luke the second half of which appeared in this series in 2003 – and completes the set of translations of the Paraphrasesinto English.

The ‘Satyrica’ of Petronius
Petronii Arbitri ‘Satyrica’ Quae Supersunt
ISBN: 9781487550714
Pub Date: March 2025
This book presents a formal critical edition and English translation of the Satyrica of Petronius.
Clever Little Books
Martial’s Epigrams and Sexual Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
ISBN: 9781487558338
Pub Date: November 2024
Localism in Hellenistic Greece
ISBN: 9781487548315
Pub Date: January 2024
Localism in Hellenistic Greece explores, in exemplary fashion, how ancient societies positioned themselves in a swiftly expanding world.
Vergil and Elegy
ISBN: 9781487547950
Pub Date: April 2023
This collection explores Vergil’s engagement with the genre of elegy across various themes, linguistic traditions, and historical periods.
Latin Poets and Italian Gods
ISBN: 9781487526139
Pub Date: August 2020
Latin Poets and Italian Gods reconstructs the response of Roman poets in the late republic and Augustan age to the rural cults of central Italy.
Walking through Elysium
Vergil’s Underworld and the Poetics of Tradition
ISBN: 9781487505776
Pub Date: April 2020
Walking through Elysium traces Vergil’s influence on literary representations of underworlds, souls, afterlives, prophecies, journeys, and spaces, from sacred and profane to wild and civilized.
Celebrity, Fame, and Infamy in the Hellenistic World
ISBN: 9781487505226
Pub Date: April 2020
This book traces the roots of modern notions of celebrity, fame, and infamy back to the Hellenistic period of classical antiquity, when sensational personages like Cleopatra of Egypt and Alexander the Great became famous world-wide.
Maternal Conceptions in Classical Literature and Philosophy
ISBN: 9781487532017
Pub Date: February 2020
This book explores motherhood in Greek and Roman literature, focusing on images of mothers and their relationships with their children across a variety of genres.
Fides in Flavian Literature
ISBN: 9781487505530
Pub Date: September 2019
This book investigates the presence of Fides ("good faith") in Flavian literature, exploring its ideological significance in the aftermath of Rome’s civil wars (68–69 CE) in a variety of works by prose and verse authors.
Novel Cleopatras
Romance Historiography and the Dido Tradition in English Fiction, 1688–1785
ISBN: 9781442647145
Pub Date: April 2019
Advocating a revised history of the eighteenth-century novel, Novel Cleopatras showcases the novel’s origins in ancient mythology, its relation to epic narrative, and its connection to neoclassical print culture.
Aristotle's Science of Matter and Motion
ISBN: 9781487503963
Pub Date: July 2018
Although Aristotle’s contribution to biology has long been recognized, there are many philosophers and historians of science who still hold that he was the great delayer of natural science, calling him the man who held up the Scientific Revolution by two thousand years.
Collected Works of Erasmus
Prolegomena to the Adages
ISBN: 9781442648777
Pub Date: August 2017
The essay that begins this introductory volume to the Adages explores the development of the Collectanea and its transformation into the Adagiorum chiliades.
Biblical Epics in Late Antiquity and Anglo-Saxon England
Divina in Laude Voluntas
ISBN: 9780802098535
Pub Date: June 2017
Biblical Epics in Late Antiquity and Anglo-Saxon England provides an accessible introduction to biblical epic poetry.
Latinity and Identity in Anglo-Saxon Literature
ISBN: 9781442637580
Pub Date: August 2016
In this groundbreaking collection, ten leading scholars explore the intersections between identity and Latin language and literature in Anglo-Saxon England.
Roman Literary Cultures
Domestic Politics, Revolutionary Poetics, Civic Spectacle
ISBN: 9781442629677
Pub Date: May 2016
Drawing on the historicizing turn in Latin literary scholarship, Roman Literary Cultures combines new critical methods with traditional analysis across four hundred years of Latin literature.
Collected Works of Erasmus
Paraphrase on Luke 1–10, Volume 47
ISBN: 9781442648852
Pub Date: March 2016
Paraphrase on Luke 1–10 contains the first half of Erasmus’s Paraphrase on Luke the second half of which appeared in this series in 2003 – and completes the set of translations of the Paraphrasesinto English.