Political Science / Public Policy
Showing results 1-15 of 15
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Understanding Canadian Public Administration
An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Fifth Edition
ISBN: 9781487550530
Pub Date: February 2025
This accessible introductory text on public administration in Canada invites students to examine how public administration affects their everyday lives through contemporary issues.
What Works, What Doesn’t (and When)
Case Studies in Applied Behavioral Science
ISBN: 9781487548735
Pub Date: April 2024
Using seventeen cases where researchers applied behavioral interventions in the field, this book identifies not only what works but also what does not work (and why).
Remaking European Political Economies
Financial Assistance in the Euro Crisis
ISBN: 9781487549039
Pub Date: January 2024
Remaking European Political Economies analyses the political economy of financial assistance and socio-economic change during the euro crisis.
Cash Transfers for Inclusive Societies
A Behavioral Lens
ISBN: 9781487545178
Pub Date: October 2023
The latest title in the Behaviourally Informed Organizations series offers practical advice on how best to successfully design, deliver, and evaluate efficient cash transfer programs.
Legislating under the Charter
Parliament, Executive Power, and Rights
ISBN: 9781487554538
Pub Date: April 2023
Covering a range of criminal justice and social policy issues, this book explores how governments and Parliament justify their legislative choices under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Faith, Rights, and Choice
The Politics of Religious Schools in Canada
ISBN: 9781487548285
Pub Date: February 2023
Faith, Rights, and Choice traces the history of religious accommodations in the schooling systems of Canada’s provinces.
Neoliberal Contentions
Diagnosing the Present
ISBN: 9781487560881
Pub Date: January 2023
This collection of essays analyses the ongoing effects of neoliberalism and assesses its impacts on society, culture, and the political environment in the present day.
Aiming to Explain
Theories of Policy Change and Canadian Gun Control
ISBN: 9781487542337
Pub Date: July 2022
Aiming to Explain uses firearms policy to test and compare several theories of policy change in order to gauge their explanatory potential in the Canadian context.
Cybersecurity Management
An Organizational and Strategic Approach
ISBN: 9781487523626
Pub Date: November 2021
Cybersecurity Management looks at the current state of cybercrime and explores how organizations can develop resources and capabilities to prepare themselves for the changing cybersecurity environment.
Health Systems in Transition
USA, Second Edition
ISBN: 9781487526450
Pub Date: October 2021
The book provides a thorough review of the U.S. health care system, including its organization and financing, care delivery, recent reforms, and an evaluation of the system’s performance.
Applied Welfare Economics, Trade, and Agricultural Policy Analysis
ISBN: 9781487524098
Pub Date: October 2021
Providing a broad-based background for analysing economic policies, this textbook brings economic rationality to political decision making.
Provincial Policy Laboratories
Policy Diffusion and Transfer in Canada’s Federal System
ISBN: 9781487526399
Pub Date: June 2021
Examining a range of policy areas in Canada, this book assesses the extent to which governments share information and learn from each other when tackling challenging policy problems and the impact it has on national policy making.
Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Policy Gain or Confidence Game?
ISBN: 9781487529048
Pub Date: June 2021
Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry evaluates the progress made in holding the pharmaceutical industry to account through greater transparency.
Social Service, Private Gain
The Political Economy of Social Impact Bonds
ISBN: 9781487526917
Pub Date: June 2021
This book examines Social Impact Bonds as a means to finance social services, and how mainstream and heterodox economic theory can help understand their existence and emergence.
Federal Democracies at Work
Varieties of Complex Government
ISBN: 9781487509002
Pub Date: April 2021
Applying an innovative approach to capture varieties and dynamics of federal democracies, this collection examines the conditions, mechanisms and practices that make federal democracies work.

Understanding Canadian Public Administration
An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Fifth Edition
ISBN: 9781487550530
Pub Date: February 2025
This accessible introductory text on public administration in Canada invites students to examine how public administration affects their everyday lives through contemporary issues.
What Works, What Doesn’t (and When)
Case Studies in Applied Behavioral Science
ISBN: 9781487548735
Pub Date: April 2024
Using seventeen cases where researchers applied behavioral interventions in the field, this book identifies not only what works but also what does not work (and why).
Remaking European Political Economies
Financial Assistance in the Euro Crisis
ISBN: 9781487549039
Pub Date: January 2024
Remaking European Political Economies analyses the political economy of financial assistance and socio-economic change during the euro crisis.
Cash Transfers for Inclusive Societies
A Behavioral Lens
ISBN: 9781487545178
Pub Date: October 2023
The latest title in the Behaviourally Informed Organizations series offers practical advice on how best to successfully design, deliver, and evaluate efficient cash transfer programs.
Legislating under the Charter
Parliament, Executive Power, and Rights
ISBN: 9781487554538
Pub Date: April 2023
Covering a range of criminal justice and social policy issues, this book explores how governments and Parliament justify their legislative choices under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Faith, Rights, and Choice
The Politics of Religious Schools in Canada
ISBN: 9781487548285
Pub Date: February 2023
Faith, Rights, and Choice traces the history of religious accommodations in the schooling systems of Canada’s provinces.
Neoliberal Contentions
Diagnosing the Present
ISBN: 9781487560881
Pub Date: January 2023
This collection of essays analyses the ongoing effects of neoliberalism and assesses its impacts on society, culture, and the political environment in the present day.
Aiming to Explain
Theories of Policy Change and Canadian Gun Control
ISBN: 9781487542337
Pub Date: July 2022
Aiming to Explain uses firearms policy to test and compare several theories of policy change in order to gauge their explanatory potential in the Canadian context.
Cybersecurity Management
An Organizational and Strategic Approach
ISBN: 9781487523626
Pub Date: November 2021
Cybersecurity Management looks at the current state of cybercrime and explores how organizations can develop resources and capabilities to prepare themselves for the changing cybersecurity environment.
Health Systems in Transition
USA, Second Edition
ISBN: 9781487526450
Pub Date: October 2021
The book provides a thorough review of the U.S. health care system, including its organization and financing, care delivery, recent reforms, and an evaluation of the system’s performance.
Applied Welfare Economics, Trade, and Agricultural Policy Analysis
ISBN: 9781487524098
Pub Date: October 2021
Providing a broad-based background for analysing economic policies, this textbook brings economic rationality to political decision making.
Provincial Policy Laboratories
Policy Diffusion and Transfer in Canada’s Federal System
ISBN: 9781487526399
Pub Date: June 2021
Examining a range of policy areas in Canada, this book assesses the extent to which governments share information and learn from each other when tackling challenging policy problems and the impact it has on national policy making.
Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Policy Gain or Confidence Game?
ISBN: 9781487529048
Pub Date: June 2021
Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry evaluates the progress made in holding the pharmaceutical industry to account through greater transparency.
Social Service, Private Gain
The Political Economy of Social Impact Bonds
ISBN: 9781487526917
Pub Date: June 2021
This book examines Social Impact Bonds as a means to finance social services, and how mainstream and heterodox economic theory can help understand their existence and emergence.
Federal Democracies at Work
Varieties of Complex Government
ISBN: 9781487509002
Pub Date: April 2021
Applying an innovative approach to capture varieties and dynamics of federal democracies, this collection examines the conditions, mechanisms and practices that make federal democracies work.