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Crestwood Heights
A North American Suburb
ISBN: 9781487579616
Pub Date: December 1954
Crestwood Heights is a study of a well-known Canadian community. It is located within the borders of one of Canada's big cities; its name symbolizes success, wealth, and social prestige; its inhabitants possess as many of the "good things of life" as most human beings ever aspire to.
Community Chest
A Case Study in Philanthropy
ISBN: 9781487583330
Pub Date: December 1957
Much has been written about the projects to which philanthropy as such has received comparatively little attention, largely because of the uncritical spirit with which good works are regarded in our society. This report is the first to examine critically mass fund-raising and giving. In design, scope, and detail, it is without precedent.

Crestwood Heights
A North American Suburb
ISBN: 9781487579616
Pub Date: December 1954
Crestwood Heights is a study of a well-known Canadian community. It is located within the borders of one of Canada's big cities; its name symbolizes success, wealth, and social prestige; its inhabitants possess as many of the "good things of life" as most human beings ever aspire to.
Community Chest
A Case Study in Philanthropy
ISBN: 9781487583330
Pub Date: December 1957
Much has been written about the projects to which philanthropy as such has received comparatively little attention, largely because of the uncritical spirit with which good works are regarded in our society. This report is the first to examine critically mass fund-raising and giving. In design, scope, and detail, it is without precedent.