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Awake the Courteous Echo
The Themes Prosody of Comus, Lycidas, and Paradise Regained in World Literature with Translations of the Major Analogues
ISBN: 9781487592349
Pub Date: December 1973
Thirty-seven years of research in the libraries of the world have unearthed an impressive array of analogues of Comus, Lycidas, Paradise Regained, and the more important of these are now made available in Kirkconnell's English translation in Awake the Courteous Echo.
That Invincible Samson
The Theme of Samson Agonistes in World Literature
ISBN: 9781487592356
Pub Date: December 1964
This work examines the more than one hundred analogues of Samson Agonistes, about half of them written earlier than Milton's drama. The author has gone back in every instance to primary sources, and examined all treatments of Milton's theme, in all languages, for their intrinsic interest and merit.
The Celestial Cycle
The Theme of Paradise Lost in World Literature with Translations of the Major Analogues
ISBN: 9781487592363
Pub Date: December 1952
An anthology of translated analogues, in whole or in part, on the theme of paradise lost. It is an indispensable resource for any serious student or scholar of Milton's Paradise Lost.
A Slice of Canada
ISBN: 9781487592707
Pub Date: December 1967
In his memoirs Dr. Kirkonnell has avoided a merely chronological arrangement of his autobiography but sought rather to take various phases of the Canadian tradition and to analyse his experience of each down through the years.
Centennial Tales and Selected Poems
ISBN: 9781487592691
Pub Date: December 1965
The poems in this collection are framed about the history of Canada, and are written in honour of the nation's Centennial in 1967. This volume also contains some lyrics from Dr. Kirkconnell's light opera, The Mod at Grand Pré, and the whole of his Greek-style drama, Let My People Go.
Pan Tadeusz
The Last Foray in Lithuania
ISBN: 9781487580018
Pub Date: December 1962
Pan Tadeusz or The Last Foray in Lithuania is the greatest epic poem of Poland's greatest poet, Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855). The original poem is in rhymed Alexandrine couplets, and the translation in the English heroic couplet; this is the first translation in rhymed English verse to be published.

Awake the Courteous Echo
The Themes Prosody of Comus, Lycidas, and Paradise Regained in World Literature with Translations of the Major Analogues
ISBN: 9781487592349
Pub Date: December 1973
Thirty-seven years of research in the libraries of the world have unearthed an impressive array of analogues of Comus, Lycidas, Paradise Regained, and the more important of these are now made available in Kirkconnell's English translation in Awake the Courteous Echo.
That Invincible Samson
The Theme of Samson Agonistes in World Literature
ISBN: 9781487592356
Pub Date: December 1964
This work examines the more than one hundred analogues of Samson Agonistes, about half of them written earlier than Milton's drama. The author has gone back in every instance to primary sources, and examined all treatments of Milton's theme, in all languages, for their intrinsic interest and merit.
The Celestial Cycle
The Theme of Paradise Lost in World Literature with Translations of the Major Analogues
ISBN: 9781487592363
Pub Date: December 1952
A Slice of Canada
ISBN: 9781487592707
Pub Date: December 1967
In his memoirs Dr. Kirkonnell has avoided a merely chronological arrangement of his autobiography but sought rather to take various phases of the Canadian tradition and to analyse his experience of each down through the years.
Centennial Tales and Selected Poems
ISBN: 9781487592691
Pub Date: December 1965
The poems in this collection are framed about the history of Canada, and are written in honour of the nation's Centennial in 1967. This volume also contains some lyrics from Dr. Kirkconnell's light opera, The Mod at Grand Pré, and the whole of his Greek-style drama, Let My People Go.
Pan Tadeusz
The Last Foray in Lithuania
ISBN: 9781487580018
Pub Date: December 1962