Medieval Academy Books
Established by the Medieval Academy of America in 1928, this series focuses on editions, translations, and other scholarly tools of enduring value for medieval studies.
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The Cartulary of Prémontré
ISBN: 9781487544836
Pub Date: June 2023
This volume presents the first transcription and edition of the thirteenth-century cartulary of Prémontré.
The Cartulary-Chronicle of St-Pierre of Bèze
ISBN: 9781487506155
Pub Date: October 2019
The cartulary-chronicle of the Burgundian monastery of Bèze reveals how a twelfth-century monk viewed the 500-year-long history of his house.
Servant of the Crown and Steward of the Church
The Career of Philippe of Cahors
ISBN: 9781487524616
Pub Date: November 2019
This is a short and engaging study of an important and successful figure in thirteenth-century France, the radical reformer and bishop of Évreux, Philippe of Cahors.
Two Medieval Occitan Toll Registers from Tarascon
ISBN: 9781442629349
Pub Date: April 2016
Two Medieval Toll Registers from Tarascon presents an edition, translation, and discussion of two vernacular toll registers from fourteenth and fifteenth-century Provence.
Medieval 'Artes Praedicandi'
A Synthesis of Scholastic Sermon Structure
ISBN: 9781442650107
Pub Date: April 2015
Written by a leading expert on the late medieval scholastic sermon, Medieval Artes Praedicandi is an essential resource for scholars and advanced students interested in using scholastic sermons in their research.
Three Treatises From Bec on the Nature of Monastic Life
ISBN: 9780802092601
Pub Date: June 2008
This volume is an important contribution to understanding not only monasticism in Normandy, but also the conflict between church and state in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
The Mirroure of the Worlde
A Middle English Translation of the Miroir de Monde
ISBN: 9781442657366
Pub Date: December 2003
Makes available for the first time the unique text in the fifteenth-century British manuscript, MS. Bodley 283, which is among the last and largest works in the tradition of lay religious instruction mandated by the Fourth Lateran Council.
Littere Baronum
The Earliest Cartulary of the Counts of Champagne
ISBN: 9781442657656
Pub Date: December 2003
This first edition of the cartulary contains 121 letters received from the barons and prelates of the county during the rule of Count Thibaut III (1198-1201) and the first decade of the regency of his widow, Countess Blanche (1201-22).
The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne
ISBN: 9781442639959
Pub Date: January 2010
The 443 letters contained in the cartulary deal with practical matters of governance such as homages, fiefs, and the rights of lordship, and are here used by Evergates as a dossier for observing the practices of a major French principality and its aristocracy in the first two decades of the thirteenth century.
Medieval Conduct Literature
An Anthology of Vernacular Guides to Behaviour for Youths with English Translations
ISBN: 9780802098320
Pub Date: October 2009
A fascinating examination of a diverse range of regions and cultures, Medieval Conduct Literature is a remarkable window into medieval life, customs, behaviour, and social expectations.
Three Cartularies from Thirteenth Century Auxerre
ISBN: 9781442645288
Pub Date: October 2012
With full annotation of people and places and English-language summaries, these cartularies make a valuable contribution to our understanding of this significant episcopal centre’s history.
The Cartulary of Montier-en-Der, 666-1129
ISBN: 9780802088079
Pub Date: April 2004
With information on popes, kings, and counts, on manorial structures and the obligations of peasant tenants, and on monastic reform, the cartulary will be an essential resource for the study of religious history and of the middle ages in France.

The Cartulary of Prémontré
ISBN: 9781487544836
Pub Date: June 2023
This volume presents the first transcription and edition of the thirteenth-century cartulary of Prémontré.
The Cartulary-Chronicle of St-Pierre of Bèze
ISBN: 9781487506155
Pub Date: October 2019
The cartulary-chronicle of the Burgundian monastery of Bèze reveals how a twelfth-century monk viewed the 500-year-long history of his house.
Servant of the Crown and Steward of the Church
The Career of Philippe of Cahors
ISBN: 9781487524616
Pub Date: November 2019
This is a short and engaging study of an important and successful figure in thirteenth-century France, the radical reformer and bishop of Évreux, Philippe of Cahors.
Two Medieval Occitan Toll Registers from Tarascon
ISBN: 9781442629349
Pub Date: April 2016
Two Medieval Toll Registers from Tarascon presents an edition, translation, and discussion of two vernacular toll registers from fourteenth and fifteenth-century Provence.
Medieval 'Artes Praedicandi'
A Synthesis of Scholastic Sermon Structure
ISBN: 9781442650107
Pub Date: April 2015
Written by a leading expert on the late medieval scholastic sermon, Medieval Artes Praedicandi is an essential resource for scholars and advanced students interested in using scholastic sermons in their research.
Three Treatises From Bec on the Nature of Monastic Life
ISBN: 9780802092601
Pub Date: June 2008
This volume is an important contribution to understanding not only monasticism in Normandy, but also the conflict between church and state in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
The Mirroure of the Worlde
A Middle English Translation of the Miroir de Monde
ISBN: 9781442657366
Pub Date: December 2003
Makes available for the first time the unique text in the fifteenth-century British manuscript, MS. Bodley 283, which is among the last and largest works in the tradition of lay religious instruction mandated by the Fourth Lateran Council.
Littere Baronum
The Earliest Cartulary of the Counts of Champagne
ISBN: 9781442657656
Pub Date: December 2003
This first edition of the cartulary contains 121 letters received from the barons and prelates of the county during the rule of Count Thibaut III (1198-1201) and the first decade of the regency of his widow, Countess Blanche (1201-22).
The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne
ISBN: 9781442639959
Pub Date: January 2010
The 443 letters contained in the cartulary deal with practical matters of governance such as homages, fiefs, and the rights of lordship, and are here used by Evergates as a dossier for observing the practices of a major French principality and its aristocracy in the first two decades of the thirteenth century.
Medieval Conduct Literature
An Anthology of Vernacular Guides to Behaviour for Youths with English Translations
ISBN: 9780802098320
Pub Date: October 2009
A fascinating examination of a diverse range of regions and cultures, Medieval Conduct Literature is a remarkable window into medieval life, customs, behaviour, and social expectations.
Three Cartularies from Thirteenth Century Auxerre
ISBN: 9781442645288
Pub Date: October 2012
With full annotation of people and places and English-language summaries, these cartularies make a valuable contribution to our understanding of this significant episcopal centre’s history.
The Cartulary of Montier-en-Der, 666-1129
ISBN: 9780802088079
Pub Date: April 2004
With information on popes, kings, and counts, on manorial structures and the obligations of peasant tenants, and on monastic reform, the cartulary will be an essential resource for the study of religious history and of the middle ages in France.